Intranet Communications Keep Employees Engaged

Intranet Communications Keep Employees Engaged

Modern employee communications take place online. Employees are more productive when they understand how they fit into a company and are helping to achieve those company goals. Open communication provides feedback to management as well as faster troubleshooting when problems arise. This communication leads to employee retention and better customer service. A company intranet system can provide this communication. Your intranet should engage people and reward them for participation.

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting an Online Business

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting an Online Business

Regardless of the kind of business you are running, an online presence provides you with a platform to boost your sales. This is why new blogs and websites are coming up every day. However, online business is an art on its own, and if you don’t get it right, you might incur great losses. But, how do you get over these loopholes and establish a successful online business?

What Makes a Success Story Website?

What Makes a Success Story Website?

Your site is built and you’re ready to invite people from anywhere and everywhere to check out your content. Assuming you’ve built a solid foundation on the basics – relevant original content and easy navigation – here are valuable SEO strategies to maximize your content marketing efforts.

Getting Your Personal Business Online – Building the Website

Personal Business Online - Building the Website

First, there is big corporate businesses, then small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and small personal businesses. The first two don’t have much trouble when setting up their online presence since they might already have a following or the staff they need to build their online presence. Small personal businesses, on the other hand, always have a hard time since you are a one or two-person team of desperados trying to make it in an otherwise competitive online world.