What to Do If Your Android Phone is Stolen or Lost

Samsung Smartphone

Are you a victim of phone theft? Whether you’re worried about the data the phone holds or its value, having your phone stolen is always frustrating. Still, losing your phone doesn’t have to be a terrible experience. It takes a few seconds for your phone to disappear. You forget it on the store’s counter and the next customer simply puts it in his pocket.

How To Access Blocked Websites: All You Need To Know

Access Denied - Facebook

It can be seriously annoying not being able to access a website because it’s blocked, particularly if you need to get something done urgently. Yet it can happen so often, public spaces will often deny access to certain websites on their WiFi, including sites such as Facebook, betting sites and other aspects of social media. However, there are ways around this and if you’re clever enough you can open up the web to whatever you need.

How to Determine Whether it is Possible to Repair a Dead Hard Drive Yourself

Hard Drive

Has your hard drive suddenly died and left you high and dry? If there was nothing important on it then it the easiest option is to just buy a new hard drive, but if you have important information that you don’t want to lose you may be thinking about repairing it. Unfortunately repairing a dead hard drive is easier said than done, and in some cases it may not even be possible for you to do it yourself.

The Samsung Galaxy 8 Plus Features We’re Really Excited About

The Samsung Galaxy 8 Plus Features We’re Really Excited About

The trend with gadgets nowadays is sleek and high-quality visuals. People are not just looking for practicality anymore, they want something that looks stylish and offers the high definition experience too. This is why Apple and Samsung have been releasing “Plus” variants in their line. It is not just to prolong the current model’s buzz but to produce something that a number of customers are looking for.

Go Big: Larger Tablets for Bigger Jobs

Go Big: Larger Tablets for Bigger Jobs

Is it time to upgrade your tablet? If it’s more than a couple of years old, you probably should. You’ve missed out on a lot of advances in display definition, better processors, and higher RAM that could make your tablet experience a lot smoother and more productive.