
  • Making More of a 404 Page: How is it Possible?

    Making More of a 404 Page: How is it Possible?

    Finding out that you’ve typed in the wrong address can be just a little bit frustrating. You might have been certain that the URL was correct, but regardless of the cause, you’re likely to see a page with the headline ‘Error 404’ on it. These messages are pretty useful, though can look a little drab at the best of times; but can they be changed?

    It might seem a little weird, but in a way, Error 404 pages can act as a kind of blank canvas for web design teams to showcase their flair. They can be made to be more informative for the visitor, taking them in the direction of the page they meant to visit, to act as a vehicle for something funny that the visitor will enjoy or for something completely different.


  • BT’s Dial-up Internet Service Gets the Axe

    BT’s Dial-up Internet Service Gets the Axe

    As a consequence of the small fraction of BT customers using the company’s dial-up internet service, the national telecommunications company have made the decision to take this “outdated” facility off the market.

    As far as Think Broadband representative Sebastian Lahtinen is concerned, “It’s a statement of how mainstream broadband services have become, with entry-level broadband being cheaper than the dial-up plans BT is closing down.”


  • Cybercrime Report Gives Insight Into How Serious it is Worldwide

    Cybercrime Report Gives Insight Into How Serious it is Worldwide

    The average web user will probably have some anxiety about whether or not they’re safe when logging on. If clicking onto the wrong site or a page loaded with malware, then the consequences could be disastrous in terms of keeping their most important files safe. Cybercrime is something that has become increasingly prevalent throughout the world, being a major cause of anxiety.

    Mapping how big a problem it has become, Symantec Norton has recently released one of the one of the largest consumer cybercrime and internet threat reports of 2013. Conducted to find out how individuals are affected by the actions of cyber criminals, it revealed quite a few interesting findings that hint at the scale of the issue affecting the entire world, particularly Asia.


  • How to Gift the Perfect Tablet this Holiday Season

    How to Gift the Perfect Tablet this Holiday Season

    If you’ve been paying attention to the news, you may have heard the ubiquitous tablet being referred to as the “it gift” of the season. Well folks, for once, mainstream media got something right. Tablets are the Tickle Me Elmo of 2013. I’m not saying any store clerks are going to be trampled in a mad dash for a new iPad, but there aren’t many Christmas trees that will be short a tablet nestled beneath their bountiful branches.

    If you’re thinking of buying a tablet for some lucky schmo in your family – or an incredibly fortunate friend – there are a few questions you need to ask yourself before plonking down a few hundred simoleons.


  • 4 BlackBerry Apps for the Z10 to Get You Organized Fast

    4 BlackBerry Apps for the Z10 to Get You Organized Fast

    People love smart phone devices for professional and personal reasons. Beyond making communication convenient, manufacturer galleries offer an array of applications, helping users do everything from generate and maintain a grocery list to tracking health metrics during a morning jog. BlackBerry, facing fierce competition from iPhone and Android phones, offer users a variety of professional and personal applications. BlackBerry’s new BBM application, with video conferencing abilities, excites scores of faithful fans.

    Organization comes natural to some, yet numbers of people need help introducing structure in their lives. Smart phones are not for communication only, but serve as microcomputers, aiding us with a number of tasks and responsibilities. ‘Life hacking’ has become a popular term within the tech industry, flirting with the notion of leading better and more efficient lives. BlackBerry applications facilitate the process. The following applications help BlackBerry customers and others take ownership of their organization.


    Evernote is a digital worker’s lifesaver, maintaining notes, audio clips, and media files all in one place, acting as a cloud-based file manager. Additionally, it’s useful offline as well; take a picture, record an audio description, and save the media file straight to Evernote for late usage.


    Evernote is great for research, enabling users to clip images, sections of text or entire pages of Web sites, maintaining URLs or bookmarking domains of interest. Keep organization a part of every task; catalog text and information by folders and subfolders.

    Work with friends and peers seamlessly. Emails, phone calls, and faxes are taxing on business time; additionally, information gets lost in translation. Save time and resources by passing and editing information more efficiently.

    Password Keeper

    Security threats and online impersonation run rampant. While the tech age has introduced so many positives, incidents of hacking and identity theft are negative derivatives. It seems each Web site or online platform demands login information, forcing users to maintain families of passwords, making it too easy to lose track of password information, have info stolen, or suffer compromised accounts.

    Password Keeper allows users to store all of their password information in one place. Rather than maintain and remember countless passwords, keep things simple by remembering one. Records are encrypted; threat of hacking or identity theft is eradicated, giving peace of mind to users.

    Password Keeper

    Create, edit, and delete records. Do you have passwords kept from a previous BlackBerry device? Password Keeper allows for easy transfer. Intuitive navigation, strong password suggestion and quick actions are just a few reasons BlackBerry users enjoy better organization and less anxiety.

    Find My BlackBerry

    How many times have you frantically searched your automobile, office, or living space for a misplaced phone? Additionally, the rising costs and popularity of smart phones inspire increased theft. The frequency of theft in large cities remains while police admit possibility of recovery is low. Those who misplace, lose, or have a BlackBerry stolen are shortly out of sorts, possibly having business and personal lives in disarray due to the nature of information stored within the phone. The more we use phones for a variety of purposes, the more we rely on those devices.

    Trace your BlackBerry phone to the corners of the Earth, knowing the app leaves no stone unturned in providing intelligence of the phone’s location. Ensure you’re protected from disorganization and mishaps, downloading Find My BlackBerry, enjoying the peace in knowing such a precious possession is well protected.

    Find My Blackberry

    Talking Clock

    ‘All in a day’s work’ is a broad term. How much does one perform in one day? Surely, planning and organization help get more done per day. The Talking Clock application allows for interval shifts; segment a day in ‘working cells,’ filled with short breaks, long periods of work, and leaving periods open for meetings and immediate needs.

    Choose between a male or female American English voice. Hours and minutes are the cogs that comprise proper organization. Talking Clock allows for a hands-free partner in keeping track of time and using it more efficiently.

    BBM Comes to Town

    BlackBerry’s BBM app is an ace up the company’s sleeve. Despite being direct competitors, Apple and Android allow its consumers to use BlackBerry’s popular application. The app, officially released at the end of September, with people all over the world getting access along with BlackBerry’s newest update. While similar applications function like the BBM app, BlackBerry’s is suited with the company’s efficiency, allowing for easy video conferencing along with the ability to pass along multimedia pictures during the call. The BBM app, coupled with BlackBerry’s newest smart phone, gains the brand mainstream favor.

    BlackBerry Z10

    The BlackBerry Z10 is turning heads with its trove of new features and benefits. The hub feature allows for easy navigation, making the home screen only a swipe away regardless of present application use. Additionally, the keyless keyboard, with autosuggest and molding capabilities, quickly learns users’ habits, making typing easier and intuitive.

    Moreover, the front and back camera lenses offer editing capabilities, capturing images before and after the ‘main’ shot, ensuring a perfect picture each time. The Z10 comes equipped with BlackBerry’s new messaging function. Before, messaging was akin to instant messenger, keeping BlackBerry owners connected, but now, the application allows for video conferencing, ability iPhone and Android users desire, especially given its free-of-charge price tag.

  • Get Secured With the Right Password

    Get Secured With the Right Password

    Passwords are often the only thing that protects our information from the grasping hands of other people. Very few people know about data encryption, and even fewer of them actively use these technologies and algorithms. Frankly speaking, modern people are pretty negligent to information security issues, which results in hack attacks on their e-mail addresses and social networks accounts.

    A recent study showed that in Europe only 24% of the residents use different passwords for different sites. The others use one or two passwords on all services where they are registered. So how can you protect yourself from hacking? Here are 5 basic tips which will help you.


  • Beware of Problems that can Result from Content Stealing

    Beware of Problems that can Result from Content Stealing

    Anyone with a website needs to be aware of the practice of content stealing. They need to know what it is, how it affects them, and how to prevent it.

    The internet is a great source of information. One of the ways people get information is from blogs. The blog websites are often used to not only provide information to people; they are also a way for the owners of the site to earn money. One of the keys to having a successful blog is to have content that people want to read. The better your content is, the more visitors you can attract to your website.

    Securing high quality content is not always easy. Many owners of blog sites will turn to guest bloggers and to paid writers to get the content they need to keep their blog fresh and interesting. While this is the right way to get content for a blog, it is not the only way that blogs are filling up their site. Another tactic they turn to is known as scraping. This method is becoming increasingly popular with financial websites. It is important that a blog owner know this form of practice, how it can affect their blog, and how to prevent content from being stolen.


  • Cloud Storage Providers in Race to Make Their Products PRISM-proof

    Cloud Storage Providers in Race to Make Their Products PRISM-proof

    Although its finer details were only uncovered earlier this year, anxiety over a surveillance program initiated by the National Security Agency (NSA) has grown significantly among companies who rely on having a significant online presence. PRISM, which was a key arm of an anti-terror operation run by former President George W. Bush back in 2007, was designed to collect data covertly.

    Initially, organisations suspected to have links to terrorist organisations were among those targeted by PRISM, although its scope rather controversially spread to companies large and small. Those with files stored online were most likely to fear for the safety and security of their documents, as they could have been seen by NSA employees, leaving them to wonder what steps to take next.
