Category: Websites and Blogging

This category will contain any blogging-related posts, that includes platforms such as WordPress and Blogger.

  • Review: Hin’s Tech Corner

    As anyone who has read the previous reviews can tell, there are many types of blogs that have been created. Many blogs are photography blogs that display many photographs taken by the author.

    In this review, I take a look at such a blog called Hin’s Tech Corner. Like many of the other photography blogs, this blog as plus and minuses that are apparent in many of this blog type.


  • Review: My Consoling Asylum

    I have visited many blogs since I started Technically Easy, and have come across blogs of different genres. I have read travel, technical, photography and money-making blogs. The one type of blog that I do enjoy reading are the personal blogs, where individuals just talk about their life.

    This week I look at a personal blog. The one thing about these types of blogs is that it allows the author to pretty much talk about anything they are interested in for that particular day.


  • Review: MoneyMoose

    There are many financial and business related blogs on the Internet. Most, if not all of these blogs take the world of finance very seriously. I don’t blame them, I take it very seriously at times myself.

    Every now and then I come across a Web site that seems to go against the grain. In this case, a blog called MoneyMoose takes a more light-hearted, and humourous approach to the business world.


  • Review: Listen. Are you Listening?

    I recently reviewed a blog that was focused on the movie industry, only it had replaced humans in each movie with cats. For this week’s review I will look at another movie site that provides movie reviews and previews without the cats.

    The author of this week’s blog has provided a blog that includes links to some upcoming movies as well as short and sweet reviews


  • Review: Poopsies

    After taking a short vacation during the holiday season, I have returned to publishing posts, and reviews to Technically Easy. This week I have reviewed a blog that is focused mainly on a subject that I have very limited knowledge about: anime.

    Anime is very popular among some people, however, I have never gotten into that type of animation. The authors’, yes there are two, of the blog Poopsies are indeed fans of anime, as well as toys, manga, and video games. They have created the blog Poopsies to share their interests in the topics, but does it flow nicely together and stay focused on their topics?


  • Review: Moviecat

    I enjoy reading blogs and Web sites that are humorous, mainly because life can be serious at times, so reading something funny is a change of pace. Many of the funny Web sites, however, can have recycled content, or content that I have seen many times before.

    This week, I review a blog that, if you are a cat person, can be seen as amusing. I, myself, am more of a dog person, but I still found this week’s site rather impressive. I review the blog Moviecat (no longer exists) this week.


  • Alexa and Traffic Rank

    There is much debate about using the traffic ranking data from Alexa. Some sites, such as the paid review sites, use it to determine the amount of traffic your site receives. Many individual webmasters don’t care much for the data as it doesn’t present an accurate picture of traffic.

    I don’t put too much stock into the actual ranking on Alexa, as it may not provide a complete traffic picture. I do, however, know that many sites and individuals use it as sort of a gauge as to the amount of traffic your site gets. In this post I’ll explain what Alexa is, and provide a simple, yet controversial method of increasing your traffic rank.


  • Review: Suburbian Queen

    All the previous blogs that I reviewed had a set focus that was easy to determine once you read the blog. This week’s review is a little bit of a change. There are probably millions of blogs on the Internet, and a great many of them are personal blogs where the author just rights about anything. I review a blog that falls into this category this week.

    Suburbian Queen is written by a mother of 2 who obviously enjoys writing on her blog. Although the focus may be a little hard to determine, her posts are far from boring.

    Suburbian Queen

    Design 4 stars

    The design of Suburbian Queen is a simple design with the main content on the left, and a navigation bar on the right. The provides an easy to read layout for the blog.

    There are a few flaws that I can see in the current design of the blog. The first is the background image. I found it too distracting, and think a solid grey colour, or a faded image in the background would be better. Another issue I found with the design in the fact that all text is bolded. This seems to be a common trait for many blogs, but I feel bold should be used for emphasis only.

    The last issue I had with the design is the order of the items in the navigation bar. I would move some of the post navigation links, such as the categories and archive links to the top of the navigation bar. This will allow visitors to easily navigate around the blog.

    Besides the simple layout, I did like the size of the font, which made it very easy to read the posts. The menu at the top of the page stands out as the font is large, capitalized and is fairly dark compared to the white background.

    Overall the design of the blog makes reading and navigating the blog easy.

    Focus 4 stars

    The focus of the blog can be confusing to a visitor who has not heard of Suburbian Queen in the past. There is no brief description of the blog in the header, which would have been nice.

    The description of the blog sent to me by the author is as follows: “Suburbian Queen is a blog about everything in general. Sometimes funny and often times thought-provoking. This blog has something for everyone”, which after reading a few posts becomes quite obvious. This brief description would be nice in the header of the blog to prevent visitors from being confused.

    Content 4.5 stars

    Unlike my posts, the posts on Suburbian Queen are short and sweet. Many posts can easily fit on a single page without causing the page to become too large. This is a big plus, since many visitors probably won’t want to read large posts.

    Another thing I also like about the posts are the little images the author has inserted at the beginning of each one. Each image the acommpanies each post is simple, yet appropriate, to the subject of the post. Images are always a nice touch to any blog.

    Spelling and Grammar 5 stars

    This is the first blog to receive a perfect 5 star rating in any category. It is hard to find a Web site, or blog for that matter, which has near perfect spelling and grammar. Suburbian Queen has well written posts that are very easy to read. The author has definitely spent some time to ensure to correct any spelling and grammar mistakes, and it shows in the posts.

    Overall 4.5 stars

    Suburbian Queen is an interesting blog that is fun to read. The design of the blog doesn’t distract or make it difficult to read the blog. The focus may be a little confusing to a new visitor, but after reading several posts you have an idea of what the author is trying to achieve. The posts are nice and short, and include simple and appropriate images. The spelling and grammar is top notch and achieved a perfect 5 star rating, a first in any category.