Blog Designing Tips for New Bloggers

I have been busy writing free blog reviews each week for those that have requested a review. When I review a blog one of the criteria I use to rate a blog is how well the blog is designed. There are many different designs that you can use for a blog, but I think for … Read more

Review: Blog with Ric

When creating a blog there are two things that separate a good blog from a great blog: a focus and a good design. A blog needs to be focused on a specific subject, unless it is a personal diary, and it also needs to have an easy to follow navigational design.

For this week’s review I will look at a blog that contains a long description, but short posts, and all the elements of a good design. The author has chosen to talk about many subjects, but can they all be tied together under a single focus? Let’s have a look at Blog with Ric.

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Review: iMod – Thought Promotion

There are many types of blogs on the Internet, but the two most common, at least from what I have noticed, are blogs that provide money making tips and personal blogs. The money making type blogs usually provide the same posts as other blogs, and don’t really have much of anything new to say. The personal blogs, on the other hand, contain posts on anything and everything in the life of the author. This can lead to some very entertaining posts.

This week’s review is a personal blog from an individual in South Africa, and like most personal blogs this one tends to lost its focus at times.

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Review: BloggerNoob

It seems most people that start a Web site or blog attempt to make money in some form from their endeavour. I for one have a few money making items on Technically Easy, so I fall into that category.

There are many new blogs that have started up with the main focus being making money online. This week’s review focuses on one of those blogs. This week I review a relatively new-comer to the “make money online” arena called BloggerNoob.

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Review: Water Garden Guide

Up until this point in my review writing campaign the Web sites that I have reviews have been various types of blogs. For this week’s review I have the opportunity to review a non-blog Web site, which is a nice change.

The focus of this week’s Web site is on water garden’s, what they are, how to create them, and other important information. After visiting this site I can easily tell this is on well planned, thought out and maintained Web site.

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Review: Workout Mommy

There are many blogs and Web sites online that are devoted to exercising and health, and many of them indicate that it can take up to an hour each day to exercise. For many mothers, it is hard to find time to exercise when taking care of a child.

This week’s review is a blog called Workout Mommy that is about exercising, and is especially geared towards mothers. The information provided can be used by anyone having trouble finding time to exercise.

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Review: 1 Million Love Messages

When I started providing free reviews I decided to use a simple system to determine which Web site or blog I review: first come first serve. There were exceptions in the past where I didn’t feel that the Web site was appropriate for this blog. Since I passed on a few sites today’s review comes at a most opportune time.

The blog I will be reviewing today is called 1 million Love Messages, and with Valentine’s Day right around the corner, it appears that the timing couldn’t be any better.

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Great Web Sites for New Bloggers

When I created Technically Easy I was new to blogging and had no idea what was involved in generating traffic. As I did my research I came across some Web sites that many bloggers use on a regular basis.

In this post I provide a few of the free Web sites that you should join to help you manage your blog and generate traffic.

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