10 Must-Have Instagram Tools for Event Marketers

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When you’re an event marketer, you need to have a strong social media presence. Sure, there’s still nothing as effective as making connections in person and getting clients via word of mouth recommendations, but you still need social media to do the rest of the work for you. The thing about social media, though, is that that’s work, too. And having to balance posting on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can get overwhelming. Especially if you’re just starting out, it can feel like re-inventing the wheel.

Luckily, there are some great tools you can use to make your life easier. Socialrocketer published their top Instagram tools list, and we’ve written one up specifically for event marketers. So if you want your Instagram account to be as powerful as possible, read on.

1. MagicSocial

For an Instagram account to be successful, you need lots of followers. Once you have many of them, others will naturally start following you, too. But getting followers on your own doesn’t just cut it anymore, not with all that competition. That’s why MagicSocial is such a great tool that gets you the followers you need, fast. As of October 2017, Instagram already had 77 million users in the US – and using this tool is a great way to get them following you!

2. Hashtagsforlikes.co

If you want your event marketing Instagram to be successful, you need to use the right hashtags so that followers looking for your events and potential industry connections can find you. But doing hashtag research to find out what’s trending takes a lot of work. Instead, use Hashtagsforlikes.co to do that for you while you focus on making your content as awesome as possible.

3. SocialSteeze

Follower automation services are a must-have in today’s Instagram world. And according to Hackernoon, SocialSteeze is “a tool that helps you get real followers for Instagram, making it easy to get more followers, grow your Instagram, and in turn, grow your business.”

4. Buffer

If you have lots of social media profiles–which you should, if you want to run a successful business–then Buffer is great. This tool allows you to share content to at least 10 social media profiles and helps you manage the scheduling of your posts, too. 80 percent of Instagram users follow a business on the platform–so why not use this tool to get them to follow you, too?

5. Planagram

Any robust social media plan is going to have many posts planned in advance. If you have a strategy for when you’re going to post the different events you manage, so that you can show off the bachelor parties and weddings that have gone great, use Planagram to schedule up to 10 images at once.

6. Grum

If you have a lot of large files you’re working on that take a long time to upload to a phone, or you simply prefer to work on a computer instead of on a small device, Grum is a great tool. You can work directly from a computer instead of having to write those long captions on a tiny screen keyboard.

7. Collec.to

If you like the idea of running Instagram contests and campaigns–for example, some free swag in exchange for the best picture of one of your events–then Collec.to is a must-have tool. Additionally, you’ll get metrics with this tool that is available both for free and with paid versions.

8. Over

If you like having cool quotes placed over images, then Over is a great tool. They’ve got lots of free photos and beautiful fonts and templates that allow you to get as creative as you want. Considering that 73 percent of Instagram users purchased a product they saw on Instagram, using the right tools will help you succeed.

9. Socialgoneviral.com

Socialgoneviral.com is another app that gets followers fast, which means that once they get you some, you’ll start seeing more followers immediately.

10. Repost

If you want to post another user’s content on your profile–for example, a happy customer in the middle of one of your events–the Repost tool makes this possible. And you can automatically quote the original poster, which means more engagement, too. 97 percent of advertisers chose Instagram as their most liked and most useful social media platform, so just imagine how powerful your social media presence will be by using tools like Repost.

These are some of the best tools you can use as an event marketer making your Instagram as effective as possible. What other tools are you using to stand out on social media?

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