10 Top Keyword Tools

Keyword Tool

A big part of search engine optimization is keywords and there are many top keyword tools to choose from. As you are learning, mastering and executing SEO, using the right keywords is a big deal, but there is more to it than that.

Beyond picking good keywords, you want to be sure not to use them too often. You also want to be sure that you incorporate them enough.

All of this is just some of the considerations to be made with keywords, and keywords are just a small sliver of what SEO is.

There is help for SEO newbies and seasoned veterans alike, however. There are plenty of tools available to help you with keywords in your SEO endeavors, and we mean plenty.

There are actually so many top keyword tools, it can be hard to determine which one is really best.

The following are 10 of the top keyword tools to be found on the web, and this is a great way to figure out what keyword tools are really best for you.

10 Top Keyword Tools

Top Keyword Tools

1. Google AdWords Keyword Tool – the Most Popular of the Top Keyword Tools

This useful tool is reliable and a classic for selecting what low competition keywords should end up on your site.

Just be sure that you are logged in when searching for more accurate and plentiful results.

2. Keyword Discovery

This subscription site is a full keyword solution. It does more than simply help select keywords, as it can assist you in building strong SEO for your site.

3. WordTracker Keywords

Word Tracker offers several SEO services, and the Keyword service is just one of them.

Again, a paid service, you can take these features for a spin with a free trial.

4. Keyword Spy

This site lets you benefit from your competitions hard work to see what they are doing right and wrong, as far as keywords are concerned.

Not only will this paid service help you sniff out competitors and their keywords, it does much more – like letting you know how much your competitor is spending on AdWords.

5. SEOBook Keyword Tool

This site is rife with great SEO tools, and their keyword tool is just one of them.

The tool is essentially a free pared down version of the keywords tool offered by WordTracker.

If you are just getting started with SEO, you may not need all the full features that many of these paid products offer, and the functions offered for free at SEOBook may just be enough for you.

6. SpyFu

SpyFu is like Keyword Spy, as it is a site that helps you take a look at what the competition is up to.

You can also track and search for Keywords that you can use on your own site.

7. Wordze

This tool is more than a keyword research tool. A subscription service, it bundles many powerful tools, including the ability to take a good look at what the competition is up to.

If you aren’t ready to take the leap and pick a product, a free trial is available.

8. Adgooroo

Again, this service offers much more than some advice on selecting keywords, but it does include a powerful keyword tool.

An all-around SEO and marketing solution, it is probably the priciest service on this list, for good reason.

9. Nichebot

This service touts itself as being 4 keyword research tools in one. While the site isn’t the easiest to navigate, a trial is available to let you see which of the three levels of service, if any, are right for you.

10. Hitwise

This is an Experian service, meaning it is ran by the same folks who compile credit reports.

This means that they are great at sniffing out information and compiling data. Again, keyword tool is just one small component of the full service features they offer.

While there are many different tools for research keywords, the about 10 lists some of the top keyword tools that are available.

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