Tag: wordpress

  • Can You Make a Business With WordPress Design?

    Can You Make a Business With WordPress Design?

    WordPress has revolutionized the way we use our websites. You can have a website up and running in minutes, that is professionally done, and easy enough to add your own touch. However, there seems to be a certain taboo with using WordPress as an official web developer.

    In all reality you are hardly doing any work and folks who are not savvy with the web may not know the difference between a WordPress site, and a site that is manually coded. So the question is which is more valuable, and how can you sell you WordPress development of a website to potential customers? This is a pressing issue, and doesn’t always have an immediate answer.


  • Blogger to WordPress – Part 4

    Blogger to WordPress – Part 4

    This post is the fourth and final post in my series about converting from Blogger to WordPress. I have discussed installing WordPress locally, domain names and hosts, and plugins and themes.

    In this post I will finish off with moving your blog to WordPress, pointing the two domain names to your WordPress blog, and then preventing Google from thinking your two domains contain duplicate content.


  • Blogger to WordPress – Part 3

    Blogger to WordPress – Part 3

    In the first part I discussed installing WordPress on your local machine, and importing your Blogger posts into WordPress. From there, I talked about purchasing a domain name, and a host in part 2 of this series.

    If you have been looking at WordPress on your local machine you have probably come across plugins and themes. You may have figured out what they are, but if you haven’t, I will discuss them in this post.

  • Blogger to WordPress – Part 2

    Blogger to WordPress – Part 2

    This post will continue the steps that I took to convert my Blogger blog to a WordPress blog. In Blogger to WordPress – Part 1 I talked about installing WordPress on your local machine. This was done to help you learn WordPress and practice importing your Blogger data.

    In this part I will talk about domain names and hosts, what they are and how they will be used during the conversion.


  • Blogger to WordPress – Part 1

    Blogger to WordPress – Part 1

    I recently mentioned that I had converted to WordPress from Blogger. I also mentioned that the conversion was easier than I thought it was going to be. While I found it easy, some may still not be comfortable converting to WordPress from Blogger.

    To ease any fears of converting, I decided to write several posts about converting from Blogger to WordPress. I will break down the conversion into several parts and discuss what actions are required to complete each part. In the end, I hope to help others make the conversion quickly, and easily.


  • Technically Easy is Moving to WordPress

    After some careful thought I decided to convert Technically Easy from a Blogger blog to a WordPress blog. I had been mulling this conversion over for some time, but have put off doing it. I have liked using Blogger because of the ease of its use. Now i think it is time for me to move to a different platform.

    The conversion will not take place immediately, but over a period of time. Until the conversion is complete, Technically Easy will still be housed at Blogger. I will elaborate more on my thoughts regarding the conversion in this post.
