Does Your Camera Matter When Taking Photographs?

One of the great debates online regarding photography is how much a photograph is dependent on the camera. As with any debate there are two groups: those that think a great photograph is independent on the camera, and those that think a photograph can be better with a better camera. To me, a great photograph is not one that is taken by a great camera, but one that is taken by a great photographer.

Turn Your Photography Hobby Into a Career


It seems everyone is an amateur photographer nowadays with the advent of cellular phone cameras. That picture you were so lucky to capture of the lizard snatching a moth out of the air in your backyard is probably just sitting on your phone’s mini-disk for only a few to see. The truth is that some of the best photographers out there are amateurs who don’t even realize that something they do for fun could actually be a rewarding, exciting career. And the good news is that getting started is much easier than you probably imagined.

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