There are many different marketing tips for photographers that you can employ to help spread your work through the Internet. Many popular, and not so popular photographers, have started web sites that showcase their talent. Most of the websites are setup in a gallery format that organizes their photos into different categories that show small versions of their works. Others may even sell some of their photographs directly through their website.
Here are some great tips for marketing any photography business.
It’s incredibly easy to start an Internet business, but don’t let the simplicity of the process fool you into thinking it’s a complete cakewalk. Just like any other venture, going about creating an online enterprise that’s successful takes some time. In particular, it takes some research. No matter what the particulars are regarding your specific business idea, it’s critical you peruse the following Internet destinations before trying to earn yourself some Internet income.
When starting a blog, WordPress is probably one of the best blogging platforms out there because not only that it has superb, professional themes, but also remarkably fast and easy to use. But if you want to make money out of your blog or website and take it to the next level, you cannot take advantage of the free web hosting option that WordPress has because not only that it has restrictions, but also the disk space and bandwidth is extremely limited. The amusing thing is that there are a lot of best WordPress hosting providers offering fantastic features at an affordable price. There are so many of them that finding the best WordPress web hosting for your website become a tedious task.
Most company owners know that SEO is a long and slow process. You’re constantly waiting to see your name at the top of that search engine results page, but it’s tough to know when it’s going to happen. For this reason, many companies use SEO reporting tools to help ease a little bit of the suspense.
SEO reporting helps keep you in the loop when it comes to your SEO efforts. In general, SEO reporting software will give you the ranking of a keyword you are targeting and then show you the jump in rankings that keyword has over time. Other reporting tools offer information about your web pages for further optimization, the Google PageRank or Alexa ranking of your site, and/or the competition for a specific keyword. Unfortunately, many of these software cost money that many companies just don’t have. In such an up-and-down economy, things like SEO reporting tools usually get the boot when it comes to budget cuts.
Each winter drivers have to guess and estimate what the road conditions will be like in order to stay safe. Without proper knowledge about which roads are free from snow, which are iced over and which are unsafe for driving, you can spend more time finding suitable routes than you do actually driving to your destination. Driving on unsafe roads not only takes longer, but it increases your risk of accidents and can eventually raise your insurance premiums each month. Do yourself a big favor and download one of the following applications that can prepare you for winter road conditions. You can know instantly what the weather is in different areas and where the traffic is worst as a result.
The Internet has exploded with all sorts of bargain websites that promise to offer consumers big savings on things like electronics and jewelry. Many of these companies are now openly advertising on network television; however, according to Sarah McDaniels, a technology expert and investigative feature writer, this doesn’t make them reputable.
“If you’ve watched television lately, you’ll see commercials for penny auction sites, such as SkoreIt and QuiBids,” she said. “Beezid even has Lindsey Lohan pitching its product. Unfortunately, this type of aggressive promotion is attracting a lot of unwitting consumers who don’t understand how the platform works.”
Nearly every driver understands the dangers of driving while their attention is not on their duty at hand. Talking on a cell phone and possibly more distracting, texting while driving has been outlawed in many communities but still drivers face a constant barrage of distractions behind the wheel. Add to that police officers in a high speed pursuit putting two vehicles traveling at usually a high rate of speed – the police and the one trying to get away – and the dangers of driving go up even more.
Last month saw a fairly significant drop in my traffic throughout the month. While December ended on a high note, January sort of flattened out and eventually saw a downward trending curve throughout the month. In the past, however; January has always seen a decrease in both earnings and visitors as the holiday season has finished. I’m hoping that my traffic fortunes reverse over the next couple of months.
A Drop in Traffic
January didn’t start out too bad, but as the month continued, the traffic levels slowly dropped. It can be frustrating to see traffic levels decrease, especially since I had good traffic months leading up to December. There will always be ups and downs while managing a blog or website online, so I’ll just take this as one of the downs and move on.
Traffic Stats – January 2012 (Click to enlarge)
The graph above doesn’t look too good, especially comparing the traffic at the beginning of the month to the end of the month. I’m hoping that I can reverse the trend going forward, but it will require some more work and more publishing. Year over year, the traffic was still up as can be seen in the following table.
January 2011
January 2012
Unfortunately, I am just above 100,000 visitors for the month, and my target of 200,000 for the year end is looking like an unachievable goal. Still, I wil keep that target and will have to work a bit harder now to achieve that goal, but first I will need to reverse the downward traffic trend.
Traffic Sources
The largest drop, which can also account for most of my traffic drop last month, is with the search engines. I lost roughly 12,000 search engines visitors last month compared to the previous month, which accounts for almost the total drop in visitors for the month.
My traffic sources are shown below.
Traffic Sources – January 2012 (Click to enlarge)
While the number of search engines visitors dropped, it still remained my largest traffic source, albeit, a bit smaller in terms of percent. When looking into a more detailed view of where the largest drops occurred, I notice that many of the pages were probably visited during the holiday season by people looking for information.
I’m hoping that the drop in traffic is only temporary, or that some of my newer posts will start ranking for some keywords to make up the difference. Time will only tell in that regard.
While my blog experienced a large drop in traffic last month, I am still optimistic that this trend will reverse over the next few months. When comparing my traffic from January 2011, I also noticed a drop during the month from December 2010. I won’t be taking any drastic steps to try and improve my traffic other than continue to publish content. I’ll have to continue to watch my traffic levels and evaluate the numbers going forward.