
  • Top 7 Blogging Tips to Increase Traffic to you Blog Posts

    Top 7 Blogging Tips to Increase Traffic to you Blog Posts

    Anyone who has started a blog or a website would want his or her posts to get noticed and reached a wider audience. Increase traffic is one sign of a successful site as it opens more opportunities for the site.

    One might think that achieving this can be a big challenge but driving traffic and attracting visitors and fans is not impossible. Here are a few tips on how to achieve this.


  • Easy Exercises for Bloggers to Perform at Home and Stay Fit

    Easy Exercises for Bloggers to Perform at Home and Stay Fit

    It is never too late, if you have decided to trim down and come into the group of healthy bloggers. Work and health should go hand in hand and striking a balance between the two is something each one of us starves for. This fact is well understood by programs like Diet to Go and Bistro MD, which strive to make a healthier society.

    Exercising serves several purposes like weight loss, boosting energy levels and keeping you active at work. But not all of them are possible for the “busy blogging breed”. Here are some easy and effective exercises enlisted to set you for a healthy body and an active mindset to help you strike an overall balance. However, accompanying the exercises with a healthy and nutritious diet is advisable.


  • Why Your Data May Be Compromised and How You Can Protect Yourself

    Why Your Data May Be Compromised and How You Can Protect Yourself

    It was reported and confirmed yesterday about 6.5 million LinkedIn accounts compromised with the the hashed passwords to those accounts uploaded to a Russian hacker forum. Unfortunately, events such as these are all too common each year, which causes personal information and identities to be stolen as a result.

    While you may not be able to prevent security breaches, there is still one thing that you can do to make it hard for others to gain access to your personal accounts.


  • Why Your Blog Isn’t Making Money (Yet)

    Why Your Blog Isn’t Making Money (Yet)

    What is it about blogging that gets people so excited? Is it the prospect of becoming rich and semi-famous? Or is it the fact that anyone can produce their own publication? Blogging gives people, who may not have every considered themselves ‘the writing type’ the opportunity to communicate to the world through their own personal publications. Blogging can be a lot of fun, and when done just right, a blog can make a lot of money. But so many bloggers find themselves plugging away at their blogs without seeing much income from it, if any.


  • How Much RAM Should Be Installed in Your Windows Computer?

    How Much RAM Should Be Installed in Your Windows Computer?

    One of the main considerations that is taken when purchasing a new Windows computer is how much RAM should the computer contain? As with everything else in technology the answer is usually “it depends.” Most computers sold today seem to have at least 4GB of RAM, which is more than enough for most people. For those that are into video or photo editing, then having more will definitely help.

    When it comes to gaming, which seems to be pushing the graphics technology, it may not matter if you have 4 GB of RAM or 12 GB. The reason comes down to how the actual game is developed and the operating system. As with many things in life, there are limits that will have an effect on how much RAM you may actually need, and be using.


  • 4th Generation Hosting – Worth the wait?

    4th Generation Hosting – Worth the wait?

    With the constant innovations in the high cost business server market, it becomes hard to discern what is a genuine technology revolution or merely the next buzzword sales ploy; the following will investigate and examine the claims and supposed benefits of 4th Generation Hosting.

    The fundamental change in server architecture from 3rd to 4th generation is the clustering multi-server environment. Previous incarnations of server hosting architecture have had to rely on the one server unit that was hosting your particular site.


  • Advantages of Social Media Marketing for Businesses

    Advantages of Social Media Marketing for Businesses

    Websites are one of the key things that are necessary for any sort of business to succeed online. After all, these websites, as simple as they may look like, are considered to be the basis in which people judge your business by. Though, as important as they are, websites aren’t the only thing necessary for a business to succeed, especially if it is to be marketed online, and one of the best means to make sure that it does succeed is to try social media marketing.


  • Traffic Stats: May 2012

    Traffic Stats: May 2012

    Last month traffic to Technically Easy continued to remain steady, which can be a good and bad thing. The good is that traffic didn’t decrease, especially with Google making changes to the search algorithm. The bad is that steady traffic means there was no, or very little, growth. I would still like to see a minor increase in traffic, but I realize that last month there wouldn’t be much in terms of increase.
