
  • USB Flash Drive and How to Avoid Data Loss

    USB Flash Drive and How to Avoid Data Loss

    Technology has changed the way we do a lot of things. Sending of mails for example is one good example. Before, it will take days before mail can reach recipients who are thousand of miles away. But things have changed with the advent of the Internet as emails can be send and will be received in just a matter of seconds.

    The way we save and share files has changed too. Back in the days when computer was just a new technology, we use floppy disks that can save only kilobytes of files. Now, we can save thousands of Gigabyte of files in media as small as a thumb that can save up to 256 GB of data and more. This device is what we call USB flash drive.


  • Solution: USB Device Not Recognized in Windows 7

    Solution: USB Device Not Recognized in Windows 7

    I use many different types of external devices, and all connect to my desktop using the USB ports. Two of the devices are external hard drives that I use to backup my data files. One of the hard drives is a small, portable drive that I store offsite, while the other is a regular, full-size external hard drive.

    Recently, however, I ran into a problem where Windows 7 was displaying an error indicating that it couldn’t recognize the external hard drive. The connection between the hard drive and the computer was fine, and the hard drive appeared to be functioning properly. After performing those checks I did some research online, and found my answer.


  • Top 5 Ways to Boost Your Wi-Fi Signal

    Top 5 Ways to Boost Your Wi-Fi Signal

    Broadband is a service that, at times, can cause much frustration; sometimes it can seem like a provider will only take you part of the way towards a fast connection, leaving it to the user to make adjustments to get the most out of what they are paying for.

    Simply signing up to the best deal that you see advertised and taking no further action will assure you do not receive a provider’s full network potential, so here are the top five tips for maximizing your broadband by ‘boosting’ your Wi-Fi signal.


  • Why I Don’t Get Mad at Google

    Why I Don’t Get Mad at Google

    Over the past year we have seen Google update its algorithm many times. There have been several Panda updates, and now more recently a Penguin update. In a few years, Google may run out of names from the animal kingdom if it continues to push out so many updates. The one thing that I do notice after each update is the amount of backlash from webmasters that were affected.

    So far I haven’t been really affected by the Google algorithm updates, at least not to such an extent where it is noticeable on my traffic numbers. If you have been following my traffic stats for this year, you will notice that my numbers have dropped off since the end of last year. While it is frustrating, I won’t get mad at Google for the drop in traffic, and here is why.


  • Essential Tips to Blog the Healthier Way

    Essential Tips to Blog the Healthier Way

    Reaching the top 10 position of Search Engine Rankings is never easy. However, with continuous struggle and a well-laid strategy, it is achievable. Same rule applies to your weight loss goals. Blogging and good fitness seldom go together. But with little efforts, this can be made possible. Nustrisystem and Medifast help bloggers get on the way to healthy blogging once again.

    After hefty research, I got to learn few essential tips to blog the right way. And sharing has been in my nature forever, so here I am with the some really useful information that will take you one step forward in your journey towards weight loss and successful blogging.


  • Fix: Device Manager Error Code 43

    Fix: Device Manager Error Code 43

    I have installed hundreds of devices on many computers over the past 10 years, and I really haven’t experienced any issues with any particular device. I have had my share of headaches, devices not working properly, or not being detected. Recently, however, I had the Windows device manager stop a device and record the error. After a few things I managed to determine the cause of the problem.


  • Find the Perfect Laptop for Your Undecided College-To-Be Kid

    Find the Perfect Laptop for Your Undecided College-To-Be Kid

    So, your son is finally about to graduate from high school. That’s good news, right? Well, it’s not so good news if your son is one of the many students who are clueless about their future university choices, majors and college courses and degrees. While most high school students (83 percent of surveyed high schoolers) are planning to get a college degree, not all of them are determined to get to college immediately (with over 99 percent of them saying college is more of a long term goal).

    If your son is entertaining these ideas about college as well, then sit up straight and pay attention. Do not let your son become a sushi roller or a sandwich maker at Subway or a guy who collects and sells broken electronics for cash. He can do more than that. If you know your kid is a damn talented child who does so many things that he wasn’t able to concentrate on one particular college-ready talent or skill, encourage him to become the jack-of-all trades by getting him the perfect jack-of-all-trades laptop.


  • The Five Apps for Frequent Travelers

    The Five Apps for Frequent Travelers

    If you are heading off on a vacation or a business trip to Southeast Asia any time soon, be sure to download and make use of the best and newest travel-related applications for mobile devices. From useful phrases in a foreign language to finding the nearest ATM in an airport, apps like these are becoming indispensable for the modern traveler.
