
  • Why Expensive HDMI Cables are Bunk

    Why Expensive HDMI Cables are Bunk

    As with any electronic device I buy, I have been reviewing the latest HDTVs that are available. While doing my research I also realized that I would probably need an HDMI cable or two, considering not all HD devices include a cable. For anyone that has looked at purchasing, or purchased, an HDMI Cable, you would know that there are many different cables with an equal number of different prices.

    The most interesting thing that I found out was that the price and build of the expensive cables pretty much mean absolutely nothing. All marketing hype designed to get you to spend a lot of money on a cable that won’t do much more than perform as well as a much cheaper cable.


  • Anonymous Attacking Again and Again

    Anonymous Attacking Again and Again

    They’ve been called hackers on steroids, the shadowy hacker network known as Anonymous.

    We are seeing a growing cyber threat in the recent attacks launched by Anonymous. The hackers have pulled off some of their most daring attacks yet – targeting the US Government and FBI phone call with Scotland Yard.


  • What is Pleasing in a Local Website Design

    What is Pleasing in a Local Website Design

    Google’s latest algorithm updates have focused more and more on local search results. With local companies getting more focus in today’s search results, of course their websites will also be getting the same amount of new attention. The problem with that is, most local company’s websites are absolutely terrible.

    Many smaller, local companies began putting up websites years ago before the new era of web design hit the web and before standards were really ever laid out for how a website should look. Many others simply put one up because they were told that is what they should do, and with little know how- put up a terrible looking site and then forgot about it because they never really saw any benefits from it. As a result, the web is filled with terrible looking sites for local businesses.


  • Stop Thinking and Install This iPhone SMS Spy in Your Child’s Phone Now

    Stop Thinking and Install This iPhone SMS Spy in Your Child’s Phone Now

    Waking up at night, the only tick-tock sound that you hear is from the clock in your bedroom. Well folks times have changed now. If you hear a tick-tock sound multiple of times in your room at night, you should automatically figure out that it must be your child on his iPhone, talking through SMS messages with his buddies.

    Every normal person would tell you that these late night discussions through SMS messages and chatting are totally clueless. Children waste their time and energy chatting through SMS messages at night and get ill a few days later.


  • What You Might Be Expecting From the Apple iPhone 5

    What You Might Be Expecting From the Apple iPhone 5

    It’s that time of year again. Everyone in the world of the internet and technology is pulling at the pants of Apple, trying to figure out just what is going to be different about the next iPhone. It’s already known that it is certain to be released this year. In fact, many figures have said that August 7 looks to be the magic date. Don’t hold me to that though.

    So what it is it that is going to make the iPhone 5 radically different from, say, the not-so-radically-different 4S. If Siri is involved at all, that might be an awkward relationship difficult to try and continue.

    What is known about what to expect about the iPhone comes from various places, and this aims to sum up what everyone is saying so far.


  • Four Lessons IT Administrators Can Learn From Yahoo! Server Breach

    Four Lessons IT Administrators Can Learn From Yahoo! Server Breach

    A recent Yahoo! server security breach exposing 450,000 usernames and passwords indicates that there are certain security measures that cannot be ignored. Yes, it is true that every web server is exposed to security risks, but through some precautionary steps, the damage can be controlled or minimized to a great extent.

    In addition, server producers such as Dell try their hardest to make the servers as safe as possible. Network security administrators should spend more nights working on strengthening their network security system.

    Not only this, the network administrator should also double-check that the basic security principles are correctly implemented. In this article we will discuss a few lessons we have learned from the recent successful hack attack on the web giant.

  • Being Specific When Picking a Website Topic

    Being Specific When Picking a Website Topic

    The internet is filled with millions of websites all trying to compete with one another for rankings, whether directly or indirectly. As a result, a search result can bring back hundreds of millions of results when only a handful of them actually have the relevant information that was being searched for or answer the searcher’s question. To put it out there, the internet is becoming convoluted and heavily concentrated.


  • New and Interesting Features In The Next IE 10

    New and Interesting Features In The Next IE 10

    The successor to IE 9 is currently under development process by Microsoft. The company has recently released the first Internet Explorer 10 Platform Preview, which not only runs on Windows 7 but also on later versions. This has been noted as a lightning fast release even for the very competitive browser market, only after one month from IE 9’s final release.

    Internet Explorer 10 means real business and comes to overwhelm its competition, maximizing important IE 9 functionality regarding HDD acceleration, HTML5 support, and CSS 3 uptake.
