Category: WordPress

All posts that are related to either the self-hosted verison of WordPress or the free-version of WordPress can be found in this category.

  • Blogger to WordPress – Part 2

    Blogger to WordPress – Part 2

    This post will continue the steps that I took to convert my Blogger blog to a WordPress blog. In Blogger to WordPress – Part 1 I talked about installing WordPress on your local machine. This was done to help you learn WordPress and practice importing your Blogger data.

    In this part I will talk about domain names and hosts, what they are and how they will be used during the conversion.


  • Blogger to WordPress – Part 1

    Blogger to WordPress – Part 1

    I recently mentioned that I had converted to WordPress from Blogger. I also mentioned that the conversion was easier than I thought it was going to be. While I found it easy, some may still not be comfortable converting to WordPress from Blogger.

    To ease any fears of converting, I decided to write several posts about converting from Blogger to WordPress. I will break down the conversion into several parts and discuss what actions are required to complete each part. In the end, I hope to help others make the conversion quickly, and easily.


  • How I Converted from Blogger to WordPress

    How I Converted from Blogger to WordPress

    About two weeks ago I decided to take the plunge and move Technically Easy to WordPress. At the time this blog was hosted on Blogger, and I wanted more control over all aspects of my blog.

    As I began to learn WordPress, and thought about all that I needed to do I was overwhelmed. I had never attempted moving a Blogger blog to WordPress before so I had no idea what I was in for. Today, however, I realized that it wasn’t complicated or difficult, and can now say Technically Easy is a WordPress blog. This post talks about how I did it.


  • Technically Easy is Moving to WordPress

    After some careful thought I decided to convert Technically Easy from a Blogger blog to a WordPress blog. I had been mulling this conversion over for some time, but have put off doing it. I have liked using Blogger because of the ease of its use. Now i think it is time for me to move to a different platform.

    The conversion will not take place immediately, but over a period of time. Until the conversion is complete, Technically Easy will still be housed at Blogger. I will elaborate more on my thoughts regarding the conversion in this post.


  • WordPress or Blogger: Which Platform to Choose?

    WordPress or Blogger: Which Platform to Choose?

    There are currently millions of blogs on the Internet today discussing every imaginable topic. Each day there appears to be many new people starting up their own blog to express their views and opinions. One question I have seen frequently is regarding which blog platform should be used. There currently are several platforms to choose from, but there are two that probably make up the bulk of all blogs online today – WordPress and Blogger.

    In this post I will discuss these two platforms, but not from a WordPress versus Blogger stance. I will provide information regarding each platform that will, hopefully, help you choose which one is better suited to your needs.
