Category: WordPress

All posts that are related to either the self-hosted verison of WordPress or the free-version of WordPress can be found in this category.

  • Internet Explorer Issue Using Bad Behavior

    Internet Explorer Issue Using Bad Behavior

    One of the plugins that I use, and have used for sometime, is Bad Behavior. I like this plugin as it provides a first-line of defense against link spam. This plugin works by analyzing the delivery method of the spam, instead of just the content.

    I have been very happy with how it has stopped hundreds of attempts to spam Technically Easy. Unfortunately, I had an issue with Bad Behavior preventing me from accessing Technically Easy from an Internet Explorer browser. I could easily access my blog from Firefox on the same machine, but I couldn’t using Internet Explorer. I decided to look into the problem, and here is how I solved it.


  • 4 WordPress Plugins to Help Protect Your Blog

    4 WordPress Plugins to Help Protect Your Blog

    If you have a WordPress blog, then you have probably thought about securing and protecting your blog. I have read about many instances where someone has lost their blog because it was hacked. In some of the cases, the owner of the blog had to start over because they didn’t have a backup. Protecting your blog is just as important as protecting your computer.

    For the past few months I have been learning about securing a WordPress blog, and have implemented many changes into Technically Easy to help keep it secure. At the same time I have also began using plugins that will help protect it from potential deadly visitors, as well as ensure that if something does happen, I won’t lose everything. In this post I will look at a few plugins that I use to protect my WordPress blog.


  • Creating Printable Post Pages in WordPress

    Creating Printable Post Pages in WordPress

    Some time ago I created a post titled How to Create Printable Web Pages where I talk about using two CSS style sheets for a web site: 1 for the screen display and one for printing. I used the two style sheets when Technically Easy was on Blogger, but since then I never created a print-only CSS style sheet.

    Since this blog is comprised of many tutorials and how-to guides, I decided I should provide the ability for a visitor to print a post without the sidebar, navigation bar and RSS subscription area taking up space on the printed page. As I thought about it, I figured I could provide a more flexible solution than just creating a print-only style sheet, so this post will explain how I manage to create a printable version of each post.


  • Removing Broken Links in Your WordPress Blog

    Removing Broken Links in Your WordPress Blog

    Removing broken links from your WordPress blog is important, not only from a SEO perspective, but also from a usability standpoint. In my last post I talked about managing your WordPress database using the WP-DBManager plugin. This plugin was one of two that I installed to help manage Technically Easy. This week I will look at another.

    One of the difficult tasks to perform with regards to a WordPress blog is the process in finding and removing broken links in your posts. If you have been blogging for many years, then chances are many of your older posts have links that no longer work. The plugin I will discuss in this post finds and notifies you of all broken links it finds in your posts.


  • Managing Your WordPress Database

    Managing Your WordPress Database

    Since switching to WordPress in August 2007, I have been looking at the many plugins that can be installed to enhance the functionality of Technically Easy. There are plugins that affect the look and feel of a blog, others that help to increase the speed, and still others that add functionality. As I looked through the list of plugins that I currently use, I noticed that I don’t have any that actually help me administer Technically Easy.

    Last week I decided to look for plugins that will help me administer Technically Easy from the WordPress dashboard. I managed to find two plugins that I found really useful. I will review each one this week, beginning with a plugin that will help manage the database.


  • Changing Your Blog Posts’ Permalinks

    When I visit a blog that has been created by a new blogger, I immediately notice that the permalinks to their blog posts haven’t been changed. By default, WordPress uses a confusing permalink structure for each post, which most new bloggers don’t realize.

    It is important for those setting up a blog to ensure they have modified the permalinks of their posts from their default value. It isn’t hard to change the structure, and can be done even after you have published several posts.


  • Blogger to WordPress – Part 4

    Blogger to WordPress – Part 4

    This post is the fourth and final post in my series about converting from Blogger to WordPress. I have discussed installing WordPress locally, domain names and hosts, and plugins and themes.

    In this post I will finish off with moving your blog to WordPress, pointing the two domain names to your WordPress blog, and then preventing Google from thinking your two domains contain duplicate content.


  • Blogger to WordPress – Part 3

    Blogger to WordPress – Part 3

    In the first part I discussed installing WordPress on your local machine, and importing your Blogger posts into WordPress. From there, I talked about purchasing a domain name, and a host in part 2 of this series.

    If you have been looking at WordPress on your local machine you have probably come across plugins and themes. You may have figured out what they are, but if you haven’t, I will discuss them in this post.