Home automation is no longer limited to the wealthiest demographic segments. These days, thanks to heightened competition and the ease of cloud systems, automation is rapidly making its way into a growing number of American houses. What started as a way to remotely monitor a building’s security now has the ability to deliver media, appliance, and energy controls all under one platform. A home owner, with the touch of a button or the use of VoIP solutions such as MegaPath hosted VoIP, can now immediately control all elements of system management.
Home energy management is the fastest-growing component of home automation, with a market penetration rate that is expected to exceed 60% by 2022. While a home energy management system may still be costly to implement, its utilities savings should more than repay themselves over the span of several years. Are you think of getting such a system for your home? If yes, here are the three main home energy management approaches that you might want to consider, along with the main pros and cons of each.