Category: Hardware

Any posts that pertain to specific hardware, but aren’t being reviewed, can be found under this category.

  • Tech Disaster – How to Rescue a Wet Smartphone

    Tech Disaster – How to Rescue a Wet Smartphone

    Whether due to a puddle, a sink or other household fixture, or a different cause, there are a lot of ways a smartphone can end up getting wet. While there’s always a risk that will mean the end of the device’s life, there are some steps an owner can take to try and save the phone.

    When dealing with a wet smartphone, it’s important to act quickly and be patient. One of the worst things a user can do is leave a wet smartphone running or turn the device on before it’s dry. What should a smartphone owner do? Here are some tips from tech experts.


  • Top 3 Gadgets Set To Be Big In 2013

    Top 3 Gadgets Set To Be Big In 2013

    If you’re a gadget fanatic, then chances are you’ll already be wanting 2012 to be quickly over and done with. Why? Well, because, a brand new year means brand new gadgets!

    But, with tons of speculation of what’s going to be released and when, you just can’t wait until the real things actually get released.

    So, if you’re itching to find out more about, then here’s a summary of some exciting and new technologies and gadgets, that are set to be huge for 2013:


  • Rural Broadband Options – What’s Available?

    Rural Broadband Options – What’s Available?

    Just a decade ago the average time spent online per day by any one person was 46 minutes, now it’s a staggering 4 hours (or half of the average working day!). Facebook has 900 million members (300 times bigger than Friendster was in 2002), the average time to download a song has decreased from 13 minutes to 18 seconds, and the devices we used primarily for texting and phone calls have evolved into mini computers giving us internet access almost anywhere.

    However, for many people developments in speed and accessibility are still hanging about in 2002. You may think it only applies to less fortunate areas of the world too, but what if I told you it was happening on your own doorstep?

    The gap between cities and rural areas continues to grow when it comes to online access. Whilst built up areas striving in population and business are receiving fibre optic broadband and 4G networks, some areas of the countryside are struggling to hit anything faster than the 56k modem speeds we consider ancient.


  • DIY Smartphone Projector for Less Than $10 [Infographic]

    DIY Smartphone Projector for Less Than $10 [Infographic]

    Do it yourself projects sometimes seem intimidating to people who don’t consider themselves “crafty”, however you don’t have to be a craft-savvy DIY pro for this project. Arts and crafts are fun and functional when it comes to creating this neat projector box for a smartphone.

    Anyone can gather these eight common and inexpensive items in no time at all; in fact, most of them are probably lying around your house or tucked into a drawer. Using the easy to follow and detailed step by step guide, the creation is very simple.


  • How to Save Energy When You Use Your Smartphone

    How to Save Energy When You Use Your Smartphone

    Smartphones are brilliant devices that have become practically ubiquitous in our every day lives. There was a time before mobile phones when we got through our days without having any contact with people who weren’t right next to us, but today we find it hard even to go a few hours without access to the internet or GPS. In many ways we’ve become reliant on these do-everything gadgets and for the most part that has enriched our lives and helped us to do more more easily.

    At the same time though there are also downsides to being so reliant on technology, and of course the environment is one area where this has taken its toll. So the question is, how can you use your smartphone in a more energy efficient manner?

    Unplug Your Charger

    This is the first way to make a huge difference to your energy bill – when you go to work in the morning, unplug your charger from the wall socket. It might not be charging but it still uses some energy, and by completely removing it you can thus save a lot of energy leakage while you’re not even using the phone.

    Likewise you should also think about when you charge the phone. If you leave your phone plugged in over night while you sleep for instance then it’s going to be suing energy the entire time after it’s finished charging which is terribly wasteful. Instead, wake up an hour before work and then start charging your phone.

    Charge Less Often

    You can also of course save energy by charging your phone less often, and the best way to do this is to simply use less power throughout the day. That means doing everything you can to lower the energy toll on your phone through your regular usage. For instance then you can try turning down the brightness on your screen, you can turn off connections you don’t need when you aren’t using them like GPS and Bluetooth, and you can avoid running too many background apps by installing a task manager and making sure to use it every now and then. Failing all this you can of course also just switch your phone off more often when you aren’t using it.

    Of course you can also look into choosing a phone that will more efficiently hold its charge, or even replacing the battery with one that will perform better.

    Use a Solar Charger

    Or if you want to go one step further you can stop using your energy bill to charge your phone at all. To do this all you need to do is to invest in a solar charger. These use a solar voltaic panel in order to convert light from the sun into energy, and this creates enough power to charge smaller devices like your phones. You won’t be able to use it all the time because it’s not practical, but on sunny days when you have time in the morning it’s ideal.

    If you put all that work into saving energy with your double glazing, your wall insulation and your recycling, then it only makes sense to make equal effort with a device you use so regularly.

  • A Look at the Characteristics of Smartphone Users [Infographic]

    A Look at the Characteristics of Smartphone Users [Infographic]

    The infographic is about the different users of smartphones and the high demands for iPhones. There are 65% of consumers who said that they cannot live without their iPhones.

    This only shows how it captures most of the users through its competitive features and applications available for download. Top downloads include games, weather, social networking, maps and music.


  • What to Expect from the iPhone 6 and Samsung Galaxy S4

    What to Expect from the iPhone 6 and Samsung Galaxy S4

    The dust has barely settled following the launch of the iPhone 5 and yet the impatient masses are already speculating as to what they can expect from the iPhone 6. Likewise, the Samsung Galaxy S3 has just taken the title of World’s Best Selling Smartphone for Q3 this year, but millions are more bothered with what the Samsung Galaxy S4 might bring to the table.

    Of course, it isn’t always wise to take for gospel the words of so-called mobile tech “experts” who in reality do nothing other than sell my psp games for a living, but some pretty credible authorities have also jumped onto the rumour mill’s bandwagon. From leaks to inside reports and right through to FCC filings, we’re starting to get a decent picture of what to expect from next year’s biggest smartphones and the outlook is interesting to say the least.

    Well, interesting if you happen to be one of the deeply devoted millions, that is.


  • Are You Ready For The Re-incarnation Of Ultrabooks?

    Are You Ready For The Re-incarnation Of Ultrabooks?

    Have you ever discovered the difference between a laptop and an ultrabook? If the answer is a ‘No’, there is no need to be embarrassed about it, as it is really difficult to distinguish between the two. Ultrabook is usually, a bit thinner and glossier than a laptop. These are petty differences, which is why people mistake an ultrabook as a laptop. This is one of the major reasons behind the low sales of ultrabooks, since they have been introduced in 2011.

    However, the developers have challenged that the ultrabook sales will be up by 2013, with the technological changes they are going to include. Although, they have not revealed all the changes, but there could be a few prominent changes that we can talk about. So, have a look at them.
