Blog Engage: RSS Syndication and Money Earner

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A few months ago I joined a community that allows me to share my blog posts to a much larger community, while at the same time meeting new bloggers. The community is Blog Engage is is a great service to register with if you manage a blog.

When I first started I didn’t know what to expect, so I did spend some time learning the ropes. At first I thought it was just another blog-related community, where members come, talk about everything under the sun, and then leave. I eventually learned it was a way to share the content of your blog easily, and effortlessly.

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Sharing Your Posts – The Easy Way

Blog Engage is mainly about sharing the posts on your blog with many other bloggers. Once you sign up, you have the ability to submit a post to the Blog Engage community, and they in turn vote on each post you submit.

Once a post reaches a certain number of votes, it is considered published and it appears on the main page of the site. Posts that aren’t published are simply considered submitted, but are shown on other pages on the site.

When submitting a post, you can specify the following information:

  • Post URL.
  • Title of the blog post.
  • Category where the post should appear on Blog Engage.
  • A description of the post.
  • A summary of the post.
  • Tags related to the post.

When I started out it took about a minute or two to submit one post. If you publish posts once or twice a week, then manually submitting each of your posts may work for you. For those that publish many times each week, then a more automatic approach may be beneficial.

Automatically Submit Your Posts to Blog Engage

You can manually submit each of your posts to Blog Engage, as mentioned above. For those that publish many posts you should look at becoming a paid member of Blog Engage.

Memberships, RSS, Blog Engage

As you can see from the banner above, there are 4 packages the you can sign up for. The packages start at $1.99/month and go up to $9.99/month, with each package offering something a little different. Each package, however, will automatically submit each of your blog’s posts to Blog Engage, so you don’t have to worry about the submission process. Depending on how much you post, this can save you quite a bit of time each month for a service that only changes $1.99.

While you may be wondering why you should pay a monthly fee to use the service, there are a few ways you can make the money back with BlogEngage.

Making Money with Blog Engage

Blog Engage provides you with the ability to earn some of your monthly fee back through AdSense-sharing. Basically, on each of the Blog Engage pages that link to your posts, there is also an AdSense ad box.

By updating your profile with your AdSense publisher ID, Blog Engage will start showing those same AdSense ad units using your ID. This means that if a visitor clicks one of the ads, you will get the income generated from that click. The more posts you submit, the better the chance that you will start receiving a small income from Blog Engage.

The second method of making money with Blog Engage is through affiliation. Blog Engage has an affiliate program that you can sign up with, and each time someone signs up for a paid membership, you can earn 25% recurring commission. This means each month that person is a paid member, you will automatically earn 25%. Having a few members sign up under you can quickly pay for the service in no time.

There are many benefits to joining Blog Engage, but the best way to find out is to join the community yourself.

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