7 Tips for Small Business Using Facebook

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There are more than 800 million people on Facebook, so businesses of course want to tap in on all these potential customers.

Making a Facebook page for your business is easy. You first must create a personal page, and then you can create as many other pages as you desire. Once you have your page up, you will begin to start getting friends and likes. In order to keep visitors coming, more likes, and more friends, which will help grow your business you should follow these tips.

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  1. Be short and sweet! The reason is if you notice how many friends your friends have you will quickly see that they is no way they will be able to read the news feeds from everyone they have listed as friends. To keep them interested write short posts that are to the point.
  2. Post often. Your friends even if you have hundreds like to hear from you. Think of your Facebook page as an extension of your family that love staying in touch. Do not wait months on end to post. Some people are waiting just to see what your company is up to and if you do not keep them posted, they may just unfriend you. This could cause you to lose more than just their views of your posts but also others that visit their page. It is best to post at least once a day, 5 days a week.
  3. Use photos and other things your fans enjoy. Photos are the most common thing people share on Facebook. Photos with quotes, inspirational words, and even just cute or beautiful photos will get your friends sharing in no time. Using photos that relate to your business will also be the best.
  4. Know your friends. You should use your page insights, to learn what posts had others posting comments along with which ones were liked and shared. The more you know about your friends, the easier it will be to make your posts engaging and give your friends things to share.
  5. Do more than comment and post. Learn to ask questions that will let them know you are interested in their ideas when it comes to your business. If you are a photographer, you could ask questions regarding backgrounds, props, and even poses to engage them in your conversation. This will also give you some great ideas to get more clients. You could easily just ask about ways you can improve your business and then actually use some of the friend’s ideas.
  6. Stay up to date. If a holiday is upcoming, you can easily offer a special for the holiday. Just mention things that are relevant to the holiday as well. Just wishing your friends a Happy Halloween and then special pricing will give you quite a few likes for the day. Events that are happening in your city are also great ways to get your foot in the door such as museum openings, concerts, or festivals. Use the information to offer your own services or products after mentioning the event.
  7. Be interested in others posts. If you think everyone is going to flock to your page and stay without you ever paying attention to any of their posts, you are lost. Facebook is for socializing. You should read others posts and leave comments when you have something to say. Even just a Happy Birthday goes a long way for others to learn that you are caring instead of just there to try to get them to buy something.

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