Easy Exercises for Bloggers to Perform at Home and Stay Fit

It is never too late, if you have decided to trim down and come into the group of healthy bloggers. Work and health should go hand in hand and striking a balance between the two is something each one of us starves for. This fact is well understood by programs like Diet to Go and Bistro MD, which strive to make a healthier society.

Exercising serves several purposes like weight loss, boosting energy levels and keeping you active at work. But not all of them are possible for the “busy blogging breed”. Here are some easy and effective exercises enlisted to set you for a healthy body and an active mindset to help you strike an overall balance. However, accompanying the exercises with a healthy and nutritious diet is advisable.

Easy Exercises for Bloggers to Perform at Home and Stay Fit

Leg Raises for Lower Belly Areas

This is something every blogger can do in his/her room over a mat. Rest on your back with bent knees and stretched legs. Gradually raise your legs one foot off the floor, hold and come down again. Start with fewer sets and raise the bar as you start feeling more comfortable in a few days. You will get a flat and tight belly within few weeks.

Squats – An Easy Do-at-Home Exercise

All you need is your Computer Chair to do squats. All you need to do is simply stand and sit from your computer chair. More advanced ways to do squats include straightening your hands. With an erect back, bend towards the floor. This is an overall benefiting exercise for the body – especially for loosing a considerable amount of weight.

Aerobic Dance

So, you like moving with your favorite dance track? Try aerobic dance, another form of dance, which is more enjoyable and fitness accomplishing. Exclusive video CDs are available online for aerobic dance at never-seen-before prices with coupon code. It has served as a favorite weight loss method for generations. So, what are you waiting for? Put your favorite music and get going with it.


You not only need to develop a flat belly, but chest as well. Push-ups are a perfect recipe for building lower chest muscles and should be done regularly to enjoy all their benefits. Push-ups are of various kinds and you can find all the helpful videos online on YouTube and other related websites.

Additional Benefits of Exercising

  • You build your digestive system stronger and better. Metabolism enhances and the body systems come together to give an athletic looks and a flat body.
  • You remain active and enthusiastic whole day long, and hence earn extra bucks, when you work with an attentive nervous system.
  • The best thing is that you need not spend extra money in gym and health centers, if you do the above discussed exercises. All you need is the very chair and the room you sit in front of your PC everyday to do your blogging tasks.

This article is sponsored by Alex Papa. Alex has founded many tech and weight loss blogs. However, his latest ventures include epc4less.com, an EPC provider in Belfast, and CertsNI.com that provides EPCs in Northern Ireland.

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