What Will the Internet Look Like in 100 Years? [Infographic]

What Will the Internet Look Like in 100 Years? [Infographic]

I remember when I first connected to the world wide web back in the mid-90’s. At the time I connected using a modem that was connected to the telephone line that transferred data at a maximum of 14.4 kbps. The squeal of the modem as it connected is something that I will always remember along with the disconnects that happened when the phone was in use. Times have changed considerably since then.

Technology is always changing as the way we connect gets faster, and the amount of data we store and share gets larger. The progressions of technology over the past 10, 20, and 30 years has astounded many people, and we are at a point where most of us are dependent on technology to some degree, and carry it everywhere we go (smartphones, tablets, etc.). It makes me wonder where technology will be in the next 100 years.

Looking Ahead 100 Years

Technology is hard to predict, especially when it comes to the Internet. Thinking about what will the Internet look like in 100 years makes it even harder to predict. Just think about what has been created over the past 10 years. The Internet has evolved to the point where is has become the main driving force for many technologies, including connecting many devices together – known as the “Internet of Things.”

Social network has had a tremendous rise to popularity, and has become a part of most people’s lives. Smartphones and tablets have become mainstream, and allow us to use both the Internet and social networks like never before.

There are countless other technologies that have been invented or created over the past 10 years, so trying to think about what will happen over the next 100 years can be difficult.

With that in mind, however, below is an infographic that may offer some insight into the future of the Internet, and what technologies may start appearing over the course of the next 100 years.

What Will the Internet Look Like in 100 Years? [Infographic]

Infographic courtesy of WhoIsHostingThis?.

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