Why Your Blog Isn’t Making Money (Yet)

Blogging Platforms

What is it about blogging that gets people so excited? Is it the prospect of becoming rich and semi-famous? Or is it the fact that anyone can produce their own publication? Blogging gives people, who may not have every considered themselves ‘the writing type’ the opportunity to communicate to the world through their own personal publications. Blogging can be a lot of fun, and when done just right, a blog can make a lot of money. But so many bloggers find themselves plugging away at their blogs without seeing much income from it, if any.

Why Your Blog Isn’t Making Money (Yet)

It might be a little to cliché to advise someone who is not making money yet to keep with it, follow their dream, and the money will come, especially because there may be a very good reason that they aren’t making money yet. It could be that if they keep going on the same path they are on now, that it will only lead to the dark abyss where failed blogs go never to be seen again. The failed blog abyss is where there are no more ‘likes,’ and no more tweets, no more being indexed by the search engines, and finally no more posts, and eventually- poof- no more domain name either.

If that is where it seems your blog is headed, or even if it’s not, this satirical-like rebuke infused article will help you to see what things need tweeking, and what may need a major overhaul. Here are a few reasons why your blog isn’t making any money yet.

It’s Ugly

Although the content is much more important than how a blog looks, it’s difficult to get readers interested in an ugly template background. If you think of yourself as getting into a real relationship with readers than you also have to consider aesthetics and general grooming practices. The first time someone comes to your blog is the first date, you have to look nice for the first date. Okay, I think you get the point. I won’t hamper you with any more cheesy comparisons to dating.

You Aren’t Writing for a Niche

Some bloggers write for themselves, while other bloggers make the mistake of writing for, well, every one. Both are mistakes. Having a specific niche that you are laser targeting adds a lot of character to a blog. Blogs that don’t do this tend not to attract much of anyone. Try picking a niche to focus on, and think of a person that you actually know personally who fits the mold, and then write every post with them in mind.

Nobody Knows About Your Blog Except Your Mother (Who Thinks It’s Really Good)

Throughout the ages of blogging bloggers have been obsessed with finding new and more effective ways to gain valuable exposure. The truth is that since the internet has become such a social place, it’s not too hard to do, but it does require an investment of time. Here are some suggestions.

  • Blog commenting on other peoples blogs in your niche- try to say something memorable
  • Guest posting- go to other bloggers in your niche and ask them if they would be willing to post your guest post on their blog. Not everyone will respond or say yes, but many probably will. This is a great way to gain exposure through their blogs while making alliances with the bloggers themselves.
  • Use social media such as facebook, and twitter to your advantage. Share what you write, and make cool comments that will encourage others to comment too.
  • Tell everyone you know about your blog, put the domain name on your emails, and on a business card. You could even go as far as introducing yourself to people as, “Hi I’m the mastermind behind did you read my last post?” but you probably wouldn’t want to go that far.

Good luck on your blog! If you have a blog please introduce yourself in the comments section by saying, “Hi I’ I’m the mastermind behind .” Sike!

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