Tag: Portable Printer

  • Interesting Gadget: A Portable Smartphone Printer – LG PD239

    Interesting Gadget: A Portable Smartphone Printer – LG PD239

    Smartphones are the number one method for taking photos these days. They have technically replaced the point-and-shoot camera as the main way of easily taking snapshots. The most popular way of sharing those photos remains the online route – through social networks and blogs. Printing such photos, however, can be more of a pain than simply using your phone to upload the photos.

    If you do want to print photos, you can easily print them with a portable smartphone printer from LG called the PD239. This small, portable smartphone printer may change the way you share some of your photos, since you can now easily give out physical photos to your friends and family, without waiting for those photos to be printed at a photo lab or at home.
