The Most Important SEO Factors for Your Blog


If you want to generate more traffic to your website, you might be thinking about starting a blog. Even though you have a lot of interesting ideas to write about, you need to make sure they rank well. Otherwise, you will have a difficult time generating traffic. That is where search engine optimization can be helpful.

5 Lessons I Have Learned About Blogging

5 Lessons I Have Learned About Blogging

When I started blogging in June 2007 I really didn’t know how to manage a blog or even how long I can keep writing blog entries. Like many people, I tend to start something that interests me at the time, but then get bored and move onto something else. With that thinking, I started using Blogger since it required no financial commitment, just time. After a year, I discovered that I did like to manage a blog, so I switched to a self-hosted WordPress blog, and haven’t looked back.

Over the past seven years of managing this blog I have learned many lessons, and have experienced many facets of not only blogging but websites, in general. I have made mistakes, and learned from those mistakes, but have also enjoyed a few successes. I have blogged about both the mistakes I have made and the successes I have achieved, so now I feel I should give an update on the lessons I have learned about blogging.

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SEO Be Damned. Why Your Blog is About You.

SEO Be Damned. Why Your Blog is About You.

After I decided to change the direction of Technically Easy, I have been thinking more about what content I would like to publish on Technically Easy. Of course, as I started to think about the content, other questions started to pop in my head. How often should I publish posts? What long should each post be? What type of posts should I write? How many guest posts should I accept?

The odd thing is that I started Technically Easy over six years ago, and many of the questions I asked myself were the same ones I asked myself when I first started. It seems that since I reset the direction of Technically Easy back to the way it was a few years ago, I also reset my thoughts on my blog. After six years of blogging, I have come to one conclusion with regards to my blog, and perhaps blogging in general: do whatever I want.

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Rethinking the Direction of Technically Easy

Rethinking the Direction of Technically Easy

Over two years. That is how long I have been accepting guest posts on Technically Easy. Unfortunately, during that time I feel that the quality of my blog has suffered. Technically Easy has been online for over six years, and it started as a way for me to write my experiences, and answer technology issues, in a way that would be easy for others to find, read, and understand issues that they may be having, as well.

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When it Comes to Blogging Content is King

Content is King

This is one of the most important things you can learn as a blogger. Content is by and large the most important thing when it comes to increasing traffic, generating more money or simply keeping your readers coming back.

Far too often bloggers put way too much attention into keywords, advertising, user interaction, social media and any of a number of ways to generate traffic. These are all effective and important strategies, but they all have one thing in common. If your content is awful, people are going to be leaving your site pretty quickly.

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You Need Some Money In The Bank To Maximize Your Chances Of Blogging Success

Blogging Success

People talk about blogging like it’s this magical thing that can make you rich without you spending any money. What they don’t tell you is that even though it’s theoretically possible to become a millionaire blogging superstar it’s certainly not going to be easy. You need money to grow faster and if you don’t then people in your niche are going to overtake you at thunderous speed. When someone is pumping thousands into banner ads and PPC campaigns they will obviously reach your potential readers quicker than you.

That is why having your personal finances in order before you begin is really important, but if you are already started it’s crucial you begin now. You don’t want to be given a fantastic opportunity only to decline it because your bank balance is sitting at zero. It’s probably a good idea to look into ways you can save money and be financially secure because you’ll have a much better chance of success. Follow these tips and good things will eventually start to happen.

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Common Etiquette Found in Successful Bloggers


A successful blogger is not a person who is earning millions of dollars. He is a person who has gained a large number of real followers via his blog. All successful bloggers have something common in between them, and that thing is etiquette. If you just analyze the stories of successful bloggers along with their blogs, you can find out the common things with ease. Each and every blogger blog has a different reason and a different aim. But to reach their aim, they follow some etiquette.

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