Productive Content Development Strategy in 3 Easy Steps


Social media and the blogs are conversational in nature.

They are fascinating, since ideas are generated, evaluated, praised and criticised, all at the same time.

Most of the time, the participants are a happy crowd of the conversation; however, in order to have a conversation, the first thing that we need is productive content.

The conversation starter plays the major role in getting the links, references and the attention.

One does not need to be controversial or rude in order to attract links; but it is very necessary to have a productive content development strategy in place to help one realize his goals.

The following 3 easy steps of productive content development strategy may be followed for more conversations, more links and increasing attention.

Productive Content Development Strategy in 3 Easy Steps


The very first step requires taking a step back and looking at things, both externally and internally.

This is a step that most content developers don’t care to take a look at; however, this step will help in developing an easy advantage.

The aim should be to take a look at the future of the industry and niche that is being targeted and evaluate it.

How is the technology affecting the niche and whether the economical changes affect it? What social trends, political factors and legal issues pose a threat to one’s niche and represent an opportunity? It is also necessary to evaluate the current standings, like who listens, reads or watches the content and why do they do so?

What are the boundaries within which the topic is to be discussed and what are the reasons behind the same? How does the content measure in terms of quality?

The results arising out of all these questions are collected and it is judged as to what the content developer knows where things are heading and where he is currently at.

He should also judge about the opportunities and the threats to growth.

All of this should be written down and reflected upon since this is the very basis of the upcoming ideas and action.

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When one is developing future content, it is very necessary to perform a ‘no-change’ analysis.

This means that one will stay on one’s current course for now and not incorporate any change in the content.

One must ask oneself what happens if he changes nothing. What are the opportunities that he is leaving unrealized?

Is he on the way to successfully achieve his objectives? What are the audience craving for?

From this analysis, one should generate the conclusions and ideas and determine whether he should change direction or change on the same path.

The end of idea phase will make a realistic assessment of the challenges that one might face in exploring a new direction.

What are the obstacles that might be lying ahead? Each obstacle should be carefully examined and an analysis should be done as to which obstacle will threaten which objective. Can the obstacle be overcome? If yes, how and if not, what should be the alternative objective?/


Most content developers try to crank about the actions by sitting down.

Alternative action options are important.

Creating alternative action options include critical evaluation of the feasibility of the same.

Planning the development process will help in realising the goal and preventing the content developer in going down the wrong path.

How many options can one create? Do all the options make senses? Are the options in line with the established goals? The critical thinking skills should be applied again. How will the execution be carried upon? Does one have the right tools and methodologies to implement the action? Is outsourcing a necessity? All these should be carefully thought of for proper realisation of goals and aspirations.


In order to realize a productive content development strategy it is very essential to identify as many viable options as possible.

The reason is simple – making changes and adjustments on the fly is easier and effective when alternatives are already identified.

Finally, it is essential to evaluate what happened along the way and find out the reasons for the same.The most valuable lessons are learned through failures, so it is necessary to treat the process as a learning experience that keeps the content constantly fresh.

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