
  • How to Manually Add AdSense in a WordPress Post

    How to Manually Add AdSense in a WordPress Post

    You can manually add AdSense in a WordPress post above or below the content without any issue. You can simply place the necessary code above, or below, the the_content(); function call. Now if you want to place it within the content, it is a bit more complex.

    Most people would install a plugin that will automatically insert your AdSense code into the content of any post. I have used them in the past, but found that it would break the post readability if the code was inserted into the wrong location. Also, some people wish to reduce the number of plugins that are activated in the blog, so a manual method may be better. Once the code is added manually, you can easily monitor your AdSense coverage.


  • How To Easily Monitor Server Availability

    How To Easily Monitor Server Availability

    One of the problems that I have been facing recently is that of how to monitor server availability for my blog. There has been an increase in downtime for my blog, and I wanted to find a way to measure how much downtime I have experienced over the last little while.

    The good news is that there are many options that are available that can help monitor server availability for my blog to keep track of the downtime of the web server, some require payment, while others are free. I have recently started using a service that is free, and has helped to determine how many outages I have experienced over the last little while.


  • 6 Tips to Secure Your Wireless Ethernet Network

    6 Tips to Secure Your Wireless Ethernet Network

    Many people now use a wireless Ethernet network to connect to the Internet, and it is important to understand how to secure your wireless ethernet network. It makes it very convenient when you are not tied down by a physical cable, especially if your primary computer is a laptop. Unlike traditional, hard-wired connections, a wireless network connection requires more security to prevent unwanted access.

    While the steps you take to setup the security may be different because of the hardware that is used, for the most part the settings you use to secure your wireless Ethernet connection are the same. Let’s look at what you need to do to keep your connection secured.


  • Best Web Hosting Service – Uptime and Bandwidth

    Best Web Hosting Service – Uptime and Bandwidth

    The best web hosting service will allow you a lot of bandwidth and provide you will a lot of uptime. Anything else is considered sub-par.


  • How to Recover Deleted Files With Restoration

    How to Recover Deleted Files With Restoration

    It is possible to recover deleted files if you haven’t saved much to the same drive that contains the deleted files. When you delete a file in Windows, it isn’t actually deleted – the data is still stored on the hard drive.

    Since the information stored in the files hasn’t been removed from the hard drive, it may still be possible to retrieve the data from those lost files. This post explains how to use a tool called Restoration to recover deleted files, not only from a hard drive but other storage media such as memory cards as well.


  • The Storage Server – Not Just For Large Businesses Anymore

    The Storage Server – Not Just For Large Businesses Anymore

    The storage server is a great way of sharing common information among a group of users. These servers are connected to a network, and allow any user connected to that network to store files and other data on those servers. Over the past few years, storage servers have been more affordable, to the point where the they aren’t just used by large businesses.

    For small businesses and home users, it is easier than ever to own your own storage server. There are many benefits to creating and installing a server to store data, especially if the data needs to be shared among several users.


  • Mozy: Try Again Button is Disabled Fix

    Mozy: Try Again Button is Disabled Fix

    I recently ran into an issue where the “Try Again” button in Mozy was disabled, preventing me from backing up my data. I use Mozy for backing up my data because like the fact that I can backup my data online and to an external, portable hard drive automatically, or when I choose. The file backup is handled by the application, so I don’t have to worry about missing any files.

    The problem with the “Try Again” button, however, has been a pain for me as it prevents me from backing up my data. It isn’t always disabled, but at times when I start my desktop, the button is not enabled. While I haven’t found a complete solution to prevent this from happening, the steps outlined in this post allow me to re-enable the button without restarting.


  • How to Fix Keyset Does not Exist in Windows

    How to Fix Keyset Does not Exist in Windows

    I recently received an error message stating that the “Keyset does not exist” for all scheduled tasks on a Windows 2003 server. This error caused the scheduled tasks from not running, and caused some problems with a few applications. This is the first time I had seen the error, and so I wasn’t sure what the problem was.

    While I have experienced Microsoft Word Errors in the past, this was a first for cryptography in Windows 2003. The error caused the inability to view the “Run as” user ID, let alone change it to something else. Because of this, the tasks couldn’t run, so I had to find a solution to fix it. Fortunately, the solution was easy, and only took a few minutes to implement.
