
  • Keep Your Network Safe with a Proxy Firewall

    Keep Your Network Safe with a Proxy Firewall

    A proxy firewall, otherwise known as a network/proxy server firewall or simply ‘firewall’, is a virtual security appliance that runs on a host computer or server machine and works at the application level. A proxy firewall is a form of packet filtering device, whereby both outgoing and incoming packets (usually in an organization’s intranet) are examined, as well as a “go-between” for users on different networks. A specific set of rules governs which type of packets–based on such items as IP address, source address, destination address–are allowed to enter and exit a private network, such as a LAN or corporate intranet.

    Proxy Firewalls Keep Intruders at Bay and Employees In-Check


    A proxy firewall typically resides on a single, private IP address that’s distinct from the rest of the hosts on the internal side of the firewall. This masks hosts’ true IP addresses, which are typically very similar and share at least two or three octets (number sets in an IP address: there are four in all).

    A distinction should be made between ‘proxy firewall’ and ‘proxy server’. Proxy servers are typically physical machines; one of their functions is act to as a centralized storage machine, whereby multiple users in a small network connect to it and retrieve “cached” copies of files–reducing the load/bandwidth on the network and increasing network efficiency. Proxy servers can also serve as a sort of storage depot for public internet users, especially customers of e-commerce websites.

    A proxy firewall, in contrast, is software or an application that primary serves as a security barrier between the outside internet and a private network or internal intranet. Proxy firewalls, however, can and do run on proxy servers. SOCKS must be enabled on both machines tunneling through a proxy, but nearly all modern computers already have this capability.

    How it Works

    While the specific details go far beyond the scope of this article, the fundamentals of how proxy firewalls operate are pretty simple. A proxy–which is kind of intermediary device in the technological sense–enables clients to establish communicate with other clients (or hosts machines, or servers) without actually making a direct connection. When a user sends a request to another user through a proxy server’s firewall, he/she connects directly to the proxy. The proxy, in turn, requests a connection from the destination address, and the flow of information between hosts is initiated. Through a series of “SYN-ACK” (send/acknowledge) requests, communicate takes place without either host on either side of the firewall ever being connected to one another.

    Why communicate like this? Security. As the internet has grown over the last couple of decades, so has the number and amount of people and malicious code circulating. Installing a proxy firewall on a host or server is considered a more basic form of security for organizations, though, and should not be used as a do-all security device. Through layering–adding multiple ‘layers’ of security to a network–network security is hardened.

  • Does the Look of a Blog Matter?

    Does the Look of a Blog Matter?

    A few months ago I had performance issues with my blog. To reduce the performance issue, I quickly redesigned the template of my blog by creating a more simple, basic design. This new design, while not the best looking template, loads quickly and contains all the links I had on my previous template.

    While my new template isn’t the best looking, it does serve its purpose. I have been wondering if I should be changing the template to something more professional looking but have decided against it for the time being. I have been wondering if the look of a blog really matters to the visitors?


  • How to Create a Blog Using Windows

    How to Create a Blog Using Windows

    Nothing personifies the internet like a blog. A blog of course being an online journal, organized by date and containing frequently updated information pertaining to the the blogs content. Because of their ability to broadcast information, blogs are quickly becoming a way of communication. A way to share your information with the masses. Thus the need to know how to create a blog has become pertinent.

    With so many blogging options out there how do you know which option is the right one for you and your windows computer?


  • What is a DSLR Camera?

    What is a DSLR Camera?

    DSLR, or digital single lens reflex, is a type of digital camera that’s typically a grade-above the more mainstream Point-and-Shoot compact digital camera, as well as what are known as advanced digital cameras (aka ‘bridge-cams’). To help you grasp the concept of the DSLR, let’s first take a basic look at the original SLR.

    The SLR has long been the only type of camera advanced amateurs and professionals would use and, largely, still is. The concept is fairly simple: most film SLR’s have an interchangeable lens, a semi-automatic mirror, pentaprism, AF sensor, shutter, and view-finder (among other, more technical items). Most used (notice the past tense used here–as film-based SLR’s are practically extinct) a 35mm-based film and could be outfitted with a large array of autofocus (AF) and manual lenses.

    Fast-forward to the present: DSLR cameras have largely replaced the venerable SLR. Digital SLR’s use many of the same concepts (especially the interchangeable lens concept) and even some of the same mechanical parts as SLR’s, but employ much more sophisticated hardware such as computerized processors, CMOS circuits, and an LCD viewfinder.


  • 5 Popular Blog Posting Software

    5 Popular Blog Posting Software

    There are many popular blog posting software available for anyone to use. The best part about them is that many of them are free to use. Some may require a monthly fee, while the more professional software requires you to purchase a hosting plan.

    Regardless of which you choose, it is important to ensure that you always write good, quality, and unique content to make your blog standout from the crowd. If you do that, then you may be on your way to becoming a successful blogger. Let’s look at some of the more popular blog posting software options.


  • Do You Think About Your Home’s Internal Network Security?

    Do You Think About Your Home’s Internal Network Security?

    Home networks are quite common in many of today’s households. These days, it’s actually quite the norm for the average family to have networking equipment in their home. Having a network in the home makes it a lot easier for computers and other devices to communicate with each other as well as share an internet connection. Yes, home networks provide extremely helpful features to computers, but lots of people forget that internal network security is a big issue with these networks. Many don’t know exactly how to secure their network, and there are many that don’t even take it into consideration.

    Internal network security is imperative for a number of reasons. It’s important to secure your home network so that you can keep outside intruders from accessing your network and files, minimize threats like viruses and spyware, and more. For example, if you were to leave your home network unsecured, an intruder could easily access the network and do something like change your login information for you router so that he/she could gain complete control over the device. Even worse, he/she could access confidential files that you wouldn’t want the public tampering with.

  • Start The New Year With Computer Security in Mind

    Start The New Year With Computer Security in Mind

    Now that the holidays are over, and we are once again settling into our daily routine, we tend to start doing things we have put off until the holidays were over. We go back to our usual activities, whether it is work or school, and continue life as it was before the holiday rush.

    Now is a good time to take a look at your computer security, and setup, to make sure that your computer isn’t compromised in any way. Having a compromised computer can be dangerous, especially if any of your data is accessed. There are a few preventive measures you can take to help increase your computer security.


  • Why the Length of the WPA Passphrase is Important

    Why the Length of the WPA Passphrase is Important

    One of the most common issues that my visitors contact me about is that they have difficulty saving the passphrase for their WRT54G wireless router when securing the router with WPA. Many times the problem is resolved once they use Internet Explorer instead of another web browser. Other times, however, switching browsers may not even correct the problem.

    With web browsers such as Firefox and Chrome, you have the ability to install add-ins to change many settings and functions within the browser. At times, certain add-ins can interfere with the router’s administrative pages, resulting in settings not being saved or message boxes from appearing. A recent commenter in my explaining how to secure the WRT54G wireless router pointed out that there is a minimum passphrase length, but many people may not receive a popup message, which can lead to confusion and issues. For the WRT54G, the minimum length is 8 characters , and the maximum is 63 characters. When it comes to a passphrase, you should definitely go longer than the minimum of 8 characters. Let’s look at why the passphrase, and its length, is important when securing a wireless router.
