Backing Up Your Mac

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Backing up your Mac is an important task, and develop a robust data backup solution is a good idea. Imagine this scenario. You’ve just completed your Quarterly Business Review, a 20-page document with many graphs indicating the growth of your business over the last quarter. You’ve slogged over this document for a week and finally, you’re done.

By some freak accident, your kid drops your hot cup of coffee on your Mac and there’s a shorting in the wires. You are stuck now; your document was ready to be emailed to your business associates who were probably waiting for it right that minute but your computer is not accessible till it’s fixed.

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Is the Landline Heading for Extinction?

Landline Phone Extinct?

As soon as mobile technology became available to the masses, many commentators began predicting the death of the landline. A few years ago, the idea that landlines would be obsolete by 2011 would have seemed entirely plausible. Market penetration for mobile phones in the UK is already well over 100% (there’s more than 1 mobile phone for every person), and many people do use mobiles for all their personal calls. Even if landlines disappear completely from people’s homes, however, it may take a lot longer for the corporate world to phase out business phone lines.

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Blog Engage: RSS Syndication and Money Earner

Blog Engage RSS Syndication - Logo

A few months ago I joined a community that allows me to share my blog posts to a much larger community, while at the same time meeting new bloggers. The community is Blog Engage is is a great service to register with if you manage a blog.

When I first started I didn’t know what to expect, so I did spend some time learning the ropes. At first I thought it was just another blog-related community, where members come, talk about everything under the sun, and then leave. I eventually learned it was a way to share the content of your blog easily, and effortlessly.

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5 Dreadful Mistakes that Must be Avoided by a Web Design Company and a Website Designer


If you are a website designer you might be planning to make another grand website that you fancy will captivate a great mass of visitor’s attention. Indeed it will, depending upon the efforts you put into your work. You will be having in mind great design ideas that constantly tempt you to put your imagination into creation, an entity that is visible, admirable and tangible. But don’t be over anxious, it’s good to be enthusiastic but it may happen that some of your design ideas turn into dreadful mistakes that you repent over after creation. It’s not just the website designers who can make such mistakes; a web design company can also be prone to such mistakes. So what are these dreadful mistakes which must be avoided especially if you are planning to represent your business online? So here are we going to discuss them.

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Why You Should Buy Docking Stations for Laptops

Docking Stations for Laptops

Docking stations for laptops serve a variety of functions that cater to individual needs. Any laptop user should use this article to learn about the different types of docking stations for laptops and purchase one that compliments their own personal laptop usage. A regular laptop experience can be completely transformed through the use of a docking station.

There are a wide range of docking stations for laptops, but the devices generally fit into at least one of five categories. Many docking stations for laptops are universal and multifunctional, but there also also specific brands and models of docking stations for laptops with more specified abilities.

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A Simple Guide To The Tech Behind Online Video

Online Video

H264 has been the bratty high school cheerleader for a while now; it’s popular just because it is. It produces very small compact file sizes (no one likes a fat cheer leader) and it doesn’t compromise on quality (no one likes an ugly cheer leader either). Like any popular cheerleader, this codec also comes with a trust fund and some very over protective parents. Okay the analogy is starting to get silly now.

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Thoughts on Avoiding a FireWire Fiasco

FireWire Logo

I am a computer geek; you have to understand that before what you’re about to read will make any sense at all. It started when I was twelve years old, when the idea of having a computer in my home was nearly as frivolous as having my own butler, or money to bribe some other kid to do my chores.

How CloudFlare Kept My Blog Running

CloudFlare Logo

I have been using CloudFlare for about 5 months. I mainly chose to look into using CloudFlare because of the performance benefits for my blog. CloudFlare is similar to a CDN in that it will cache many of the static elements on your site, such as images, Javascript, and CSS, and then send them to your visitors when they are requested. This means that your host’s server just needs to worry about sending the dynamic content, such as the Web pages, which reduces the load on the server.

Last week my host had an issue. There was a denial-of-service (DoS) attack against the server that hosts my blog. Because I am on a shared hosting plan, the DoS probably caused issues with several sites, and not just my blog

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