
  • Is Mobile Broadband Taking Over Wireless Broadband?

    Is Mobile Broadband Taking Over Wireless Broadband?

    The rate at which mobile broadband has grown over the years is stunning, and there are even people speculating that it is only a matter of time before it becomes the dominant form of internet connection.

    Wireless broadband used to be all the rage, but things are changing fast, and it seems a lot more people are starting to embrace the mobile broadband internet.

    Personally, I believe it is only a matter of time before mobile broadband becomes the most used and the most reliable way to access the internet, and I also think it is a lot better than wireless broadband.

    In this article I will be giving you my opinion on wireless broadband vs. mobile broadband.


  • A Guide to the Upcoming Android Alternatives to the iPhone 4S

    A Guide to the Upcoming Android Alternatives to the iPhone 4S

    These are exciting times if you’re a fan of the Android operating system and love to get the best out of it on one of the many smartphones that currently run it. With a new version of the OS soon to be released in the shape of the Ice Cream Sandwich update, then it looks like we’ll be able to get even more productivity out of our Android-powered handsets.

    What’s more, even though Apple has just unveiled its new 4S phone, there are actually some new Android models that make more than viable alternatives to consider if you’re not a fan or can’t afford the former.


  • Traffic Stats: October 2011

    Traffic Stats: October 2011

    A few months ago I wrote a post where I talked about how you measure your blog’s success. In that post I mentioned how it is important to set goals for you blog, and then try to achieve those goals. For me, when I achieve a blogging goal I deem my blog to be successful. With each goal I achieve, I enjoy new success with my blog.

    Last month I achieve a goal that I had set early in the year. Throughout the year I worked to achieve my goal and it was very gratifying to finally realize the success of achieve that goal. In October, Technically Easy received 100,000 visitors.


  • Top 7 Firefox Extensions to Increase Online Productivity

    Top 7 Firefox Extensions to Increase Online Productivity

    The Firefox browser is one of the most downloaded software on the Internet. More and more users are using Firefox because of its speed, security and a bunch of other features that make it stand out from the other popular web browsers like Internet Explorer and Safari.

    What makes Firefox preferred by most Internet users is because it is more than just an application where you can open websites. It can be a platform where web developers, bloggers, SEO consultants, etc can use to make their day to day lives more productive. This is with the help of various plug-ins and extensions that is compatible with Firefox which allow Internet users to do various tasks.


  • Optimize Your Website for Tablets

    Optimize Your Website for Tablets

    With Amazon’s Kindle competing with iPad 2 tablets are here to stay.

    Although most tablets’ screen resolution matches that of the desktop, yet a different version is required for tablets? This is mainly to improve the user experience.

    We use mouse clicks and keyboards for desktops while with tablets, we use finger sweeps and on-screen keyboards.

    To succeed in this ever growing space, you’ll need to serve a touch optimized version of your website.

    So what makes tablet optimization different from optimization for desktop users.


  • The VoIP Advantage For Businesses

    The VoIP Advantage For Businesses

    Traditional operators from day’s past would wheel-and-deal incoming customer calls via a switchboard.

    It was a chaotic transfer of wires from one line to the next, oftentimes inviting the chance of dropped calls, fumbled transactions and other hiccups.

    Sure, communication has seemingly jumped from one revolutionary milestone to the next since, but the need for faster, stronger communication has come in the form of VoIP, or phone messaging systems.

    From technical benefits on down to business efficiency, having a VoIP service has taken communication to a whole new level.


  • Samsung Tablets: Review

    Samsung Tablets: Review

    Samsung has a reputation for quality, and their tablets are no exception.

    User reviews of the Samsung tablets have been largely complimentary, citing the bright display, durability, and built-in speakers of the Samsungs as some of their most appreciated features.

    The following is a guide of how to choose among the growing family of Samsung tablets.


  • 3 Internet Speed Tips for Better Online Gaming

    3 Internet Speed Tips for Better Online Gaming

    One of the greatest things that came along with faster broadband internet access is the ability to play online games from anywhere in the world with people from other parts of the world. One thing most people complain about, though, when it comes to playing games online is speed. It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to play World of Warcraft, EVE Online or any other form of online game, you need better internet speeds to be able to enjoy your time.

    While you might have better internet speeds already, it doesn’t hurt to take things a step further. In this article I will be sharing 3 points with you to help you get better internet speeds for online gaming.
