When you look at all the people who work online and have websites, generally they will fall into only a few demographics. They tend to be young people, mostly male, who aren’t overly happy in their jobs and are trying to get out, or younger still who are trying to ‘make it’ online before they have to ever go into the world of work. These are the people who see working online as a chance to make their dreams happen – to make some money, maybe to get some fame and hopefully impress some girls/guys along the way too.
The good news is that if you know what you’re doing then this really is a way to achieve those things and there are plenty of examples of people who have – I’m not saying that you should stop chasing the dream if that describes you, rather what I’m doing is calling other people to join in.
Specifically I’m talking about the people who have already ‘made it’ – the celebrities, the wealthy business men and women and the people who were just fortunate enough to have been born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Why? Because those groups are perfectly poised to literally take over the web and to make it big time and if they aren’t acting on that ability then they’re currently squandering a position that most of us other webmasters would give our left leg to be in. Allow me to explain…