4 Signs You Should Change Your Hosting Service

Changing Hosting Service

A reliable web hosting service is an essential part of marketing as it provides a platform for businesses to host marketing campaigns, create their online presence and interact with customers and make new ones. But if you are using a hosting service to host your domain name and content but have double thoughts about whether to change it or not, you need to be sure before you purchase a new hosting service and pack your business to move it to another server. Here are four signs which will tell you that it is time to change you hosting service.

Changing Hosting Service

1. Constant Server Down

The problem of servers going offline is the biggest nightmare of any hosting service provider as each server may be hosting tens or hundreds of websites and email addresses. Companies and businesses may be using websites to host a number of services and tasks such as online marketing campaigns, signing up new customers, marketing discounts and online promotions, providing online customer support and other tasks which may be very valuable.

If you have noticed that you hosting server is going down more often than before then you should immediately contact their customer support representative, and if the problem persist and if it is affecting your business badly, then it is the first sign that you start looking for a better hosting service.

2. Incompetent Customer Support

Buying and hosting a website is not a one time job but at some point of time you will need to contact the customer support representative to collect some information about your hosting, or inquire about a problem, or change your hosting plan. If the customer support is not responding in a timely manner or not replying at all, it means that the customer support department is not much of an importance for the company.

It is essential for every service provider to have some professional and friendly customer support representatives working to help their customers and solve their problems. If you are stuck in a problem and you can’t find an appropriate solution to it then you might need to figure out the solution yourself. My personal advice is that you should look for different options through which you can contact the company, such as land line phone, online support, emails and even a physical address so that you can get your query to the concerned.

3. Constant Hacking Attacks

Hosting services such as GoDaddy.com are always on the hit list of hackers and they all have different motives behind it. It is nearly impossible to find a hosting service which has never been under an attack of hackers. To deal with them there should be a strong and effective protection software and firewall to prevent the attacks. But even after the attack and servers going down, they should be up and running as quickly as possible.

If your hosting service has been under hackers’ attack that causes your server to go down, and you often kept waiting for hours or days for service to be online, it’s another sign.

4. You Going Bankrupt

Hosting services start from as low as $2 and goes as high as $7 for one month. For a company or business going through a financial crises it can appear as a costly deal but it is also important to keep its website online in any case. A good way to deal with it is to look for some cheaper hosting plans. Start by short listing the services you essentially need such as bandwidth, hosting space, number of POP3 email accounts allowed, etc.

If a half gigabyte storage space, two or three POP3 email address and a few FTP accounts are good enough for you then why should you pay for unlimited bandwidth, storage space and other shiny stuff? Look for some of the most essential features and tools and pay only for what you use.

You could have become very interested in buying a hosting plan by its discounts and deals that are valid for the first few months, but if you are stuck with it and don’t want to risk losing your content, look for services and tools you need and keep these signs in mind when choosing a hosting plan. 

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