6 Tips To Help You Make A Smooth Transition To New Web Hosting Provider


Various reasons prompt many clients to move from one web hosting server provider to another. Some of these reasons may include plenty of spasm, poor technical support and downtime. Some may also shift to another web host company to cut cost or to expand their web space requirements. Whatever, your reason of changing your web host provider, you should find a provider that is always ready to provide all your needs at reasonable prices.

The company understands that you might be holding back from making the move since it is not an easy process especially if you lack the knowledge to do it properly.

6 Tips To Help You Make A Smooth Transition To New Web Hosting Provider

Following these tips can help make the transition quick and smooth:

1. Before Making the Move

Prior to shifting from your current web host provider to Serverclub, you will need to obtain several things. First, you should gather all the passwords of your site as well as the FTP user name. Next, obtain the password and user name of your administrative control panel. Finally, you need to acquire the password and user name of your database. Once you have all these details in your possession, you are now ready to make the move to your new dedicated web server host.

2. During the Move

It is vital to let your new server host providers to set up your new account before canceling the current one. Even before you plan to move to the new account, make certain you already have the set-up for the new account. If you are still searching for a new web-hosting service, it is not advisable to cancel your current account immediately. Doing so will affect your business and you may end up losing valuable clients. The bottom line is, ensure you have the new account during the move to avoid any inconveniences.

3. Back-up Your Files

Before you switch to the new account, you have to backup all your files from your current host. It is much easier to compress the files into a single archive file to minimize transfer issues. Do not delete any files or make any modifications during the transfer. It is best to wait until you have completed the transfer successfully.

4. Upload the Archive Files

After ensuring your new account is setup and ready to use and you have compressed all your files into archive files, it is time to upload the archive files into your new site. As soon as you finish uploading the archive files, ensure that the directory structure is still intact. Make certain that you maintain this directory structure when unpacking the archive files. It is vital to include sub-folders as well as all other files.

5. Copy the Database

Many users encounter problems when it comes to copying the database after uploading the files. To avoid irritation and prevent problems, ensure that you do this process correctly. You can either use available tools to copy the database or do it manually. You just have to make sure you have followed the instruction for dumping database information clearly. Once you have completed it, you can upload the information from your existing database to your new database. It is also vital to test your new website to find out if it is running as you expected.

6. Move Miscellaneous Data and Cancel the Old Account

After ensuring, the properties of your new site are functioning, move additional data from the old account to the new one. This may include things such as email accounts. Cancel your old account via email or simply over the phone. Go to your domain registrar and ensure you have updated your DNS information. This may take about 24 hours. For your migration to be fully complete, you have to wait for a minimum of two days.

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