5 Games to Play at Work (Without Getting Caught)

Bored at work?

Overworked and underpaid? Want to get your boss back for constantly avoiding any kind of work and yelling at anyone else who pauses for a moments rest? Feel like you might melt into your desk with boredom?

Unfortunately, installing Diablo 3 to conquer those hours of tedium might not be as inconspicuous on a work PC as you’d dreamed. Fortunately, there are a plethora of addictive games out there that, from a distance, simply look like you’re working on an Excel spreadsheet.

Bored at work?

This bored? You need to play games.

You 1: Boss 0

Crash Planning

This looks like an exceptionally dull weekly planning spreadsheet. Little do you workmates know that it’s actually a Bubble-Breaker style of game, where you have to move cells around to group them in same-coloured blocks of three or more so they’ll disappear.

One of the best features of this game, though, is that when you press the spacebar, the gameplay pauses and all elements disappear from your screen – no one will ever find you out (unless they check your internet history, but that’s another issue).

Excel Sheep

This game couldn’t be much simpler – herd those little sheep/circles into the bar graph pen using only your mouse, whilst looking like you’re working super hard on those figures for Friday. It might be a good idea to have the figures for Friday open behind your gaming window, though, just in case your boss decides to have a proper nosey outside his office partition walls.

Cost Cutter

Who knew clicking on a bar chart could be so much fun? The aim of cost cutter is to click on sets of two or more same-coloured rising blocks to make them disappear before the bar hits the top of the graph. Furious and addictive, this game also possesses the ability to miraculously disappear at the touch of a spacebar.


The retro spreadsheet game, this is hopelessly addictive, and with 30 levels it’ll keep you occupied the entire of Friday afternoon. The aim of the game is to manoeuvre your cursor around the black blocks to reach the ‘exit’ cell, picking up points as you go.

Just make sure you don’t get too engrossed, or you might not notice someone wandering into your cubicle…


OK, not a spreadsheet based game, but a PowerPoint one, so you can fool people into believing you’re actually doing that super important presentation you’re meant to be working on. Simply guide your ship though the jagged terrain of these line graphs to safety at the other side. And it’s another game you can make spacebar-disappear!

Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for any jobs you may get fired from whilst playing these games. It’s your own fault if you get caught. Remember, you never saw me….

Image by: normalityrelief

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