Tag: Silhouette Photos

  • How to Capture Stunning Silhouettes

    How to Capture Stunning Silhouettes

    Silhouette photography is a unique style of shooting the outline of a scene or object. The interior normally remains featureless and appears black. Clicking a silhouette image is not rocket science. This image is clicked by pitching the light from the background and not lighting the object form the front. Silhouettes are usually unique, interesting and beautiful.

    I love silhouette photos for their simplicity and creativity. Normally, they do not appear in bright colors but they convey clear messages. Silhouette photos are at their best during sunrise and sunset.

    However, they are sometimes taken underwater as well. The black, orange and red colors on the images give a pleasant feeling. So, how to shoot such stunning silhouettes? I have compiled a few tips for you on how to capture stunning silhouettes.
