Tag: Prototyping

  • 4 Ways in Which Prototyping Saves Time

    4 Ways in Which Prototyping Saves Time

    Prototyping specifically for more complicated projects usually provides a great prospect to solve issues before web advancement starts.

    Prototypes are interactive, functional explanations of a web or a website application. Wireframes offer a time-saving, lower-cost technique to come up with complex business guidelines and design ideas.

    Here are four ways in which prototyping saves time:

    1. Consider using a disposable prototype as a prospective disposable artifact

    Rapid prototyping instruments usually give you an excellent level of independence. With adequate determination, you can create a whole product without the input of an engineer. However, reality kicks in when you are midway through the development of the standard prototype.

    Every adjustment usually generates a ripple outcome that gets in contact with two dozen unconnected screens and goes ahead to break other screens. Therefore, the primary goal of prototyping is generally to get a response that controls the final project design.

    Also, you can save time by spinning up particular prototypes because your team requires them. When you limit the general scope of individual prototypes, you will be at liberty to complete other tasks without stressing about current maintenance.

    2. Establish a valid purpose for every prototype

    Prototypes are specifically useful for:

    Collecting client’s feedback

    It would be best to use actual page animations and interactions to assist users in learning and understanding your perspective ideas.

    Attaining executive buy-in

    An administrative buy-in will enable you to convey plans succinctly and quickly.

    Account and sales management

    It will help you share new strategies and ideas with possible renewals, key accounts, and prospects. Getting to know your prototype’s fundamental purpose and drive will assist you in defining your project’s scope plus the degree of fidelity that you require.

    3. Define the prospective prototype’s requirements in advance

    In many design projects, fidelity and scope usually define a prototype’s development time and cost. A prototype’s degree of fidelity is measured in different dimensions such as:


    You need to determine what kind of screens the prototype requires.


    You need to determine if you are prototyping with a full-color computer, mockups, sketchy or quick.


    Ensure you determine if other controls and buttons require actual mouse-over conditions. Also, will you have to use animated animations on tap, or can you reload the current page?


    Be in a position to determine if you will need to use a professional or lorem ipsum product-approved copy. Additionally, will you be required to paste demo data into your designs, or can you tie it into a particular back-end?


    Ensure to determine if you will develop in a code such as HTML or Objective-C.

    4. Stay in-plane design for a while

    Responsiveness to UI designs usually increases when the deadline approaches. So you should issue a last call for responses even before you begin developing. Afterward, you need to save the communications until the date of the actual deadline.

    Additionally, you can use prototyping software to help you save time by transforming static designs into clickable prototypes that look like the finished products. This will help your team feel recognized, plus you can use your time improving strategies rather than reconstructing the prospective prototype.

    In conclusion, ensure you use these tips to save time during prototyping. Therefore you can spend your extra time advancing the prospective prototype.