Tag: Keyboard

  • Goodbye Keyboard, Goodbye Mouse

    Goodbye Keyboard, Goodbye Mouse

    It’s gonna happen eventually…but when? When are we going to stop using these rudimentary tools – the computer keyboard and mouse. Just look at them. They look like they are straight out of the early 1900’s and well…they are.

    At least, the keyboard is. The Keyboard has its roots in typewriter technology which was first in use in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Video terminals for computing along with keyboards were used in the 1970s. The mouse was first used for personal computers around 1984.

    So here we are almost 30 years later and technology hasn’t changed a whole lot for computer input. Sure – I’ll admit that keyboard and mouse technology has changed a bit with optical mice, wireless keyboards and other minor advancements in technology. But I’m still punching keys to write this article and I’ll roll my mouse around my desk and click the buttons to post the article to this website.
