The Most Effective Tactic to Mitigate 92% of Microsoft Vulnerabilities

Any software product that is installed on a computer can have vulnerabilities. When it comes to such vulnerabilities, Microsoft products are usually some of the most popular to have their vulnerabilities published. The number of Microsoft products in use have a lot to do with such publicity.

A report recently released by Avecto has shed some light on Microsoft product vulnerabilities, and how a simple change in the way we access our computers can mitigate 92% of all vulnerabilities released in 2013. The change is one that I have advocated everyone make when running Windows 7 and above, and this report shows the difference the change can make.

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New and Interesting Features In The Next IE 10

Internet Explorer Logo

The successor to IE 9 is currently under development process by Microsoft. The company has recently released the first Internet Explorer 10 Platform Preview, which not only runs on Windows 7 but also on later versions. This has been noted as a lightning fast release even for the very competitive browser market, only after one month from IE 9’s final release.

Internet Explorer 10 means real business and comes to overwhelm its competition, maximizing important IE 9 functionality regarding HDD acceleration, HTML5 support, and CSS 3 uptake.

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