Can Mozilla Firefox 14 Fight Back Google Chrome?

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Unveiled this July 17th, Mozilla Firefox 14 packs a punch that restores faith in the viability and effectiveness of open source software. Featuring a gamut of improvements and updates, Firefox version 14 goes way beyond what versions 12 and 13, which were released earlier this year, have to offer. Let us take a look at what makes it uber cool especially when pitted against Google’s Chrome.

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What Firefox Add-ons Do You Use?

I don’t write many posts about Firefox, mainly because there are many posts written on other blogs that do. In my post titled Examples of Colour Management I provide examples of how colour management affects the displaying of images. For those examples I used the Firefox web browser.

Also within that post I talked about a Firefox add-on called Colour Management. This is only one of possibly thousands of add-ons that you can install for the Firefox browser. In this post I will list the add-ons that I currently use, and have used in the past, and would like to hear which add-ons you currently have installed.

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