Sustainable Technology [Infographic]

Infographic - Sustainable Technology

The progression of technology seems to have been swift in recent years. Smart phone technology and tablets provide us with everything we could ever want or need in our business and social lives. Technology allows us to do more within the day, and more easily. It is for this reason why most of us strive to own the latest technology, whether it is the latest model of the iPhone or iPad or the latest 3D television the market has to offer.

However our eagerness to own cutting edge technology comes at a cost. Currently we purchase our gadgets more rapidly than we recycle them which puts our earth’s resources at great risk. In most homes it is likely there is an old mobile phone lurking in a draw, or a broken laptop sitting gathering dust. This infographic highlights why it is important to re-use our once loved gadgets to put towards the future by recycling them.

Infographic - Sustainable Technology

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