When I started this blog several months ago, one of the big questions was how to generate traffic. There is a lot of advice on the Internet about how to accomplish this goal, and for the most part it takes time.
I have recently noticed, however, the many new sites that are appearing specifically targeting blogs. These new sites are designed to help generate traffic to our blog, and in this post I will discuss one of these new sites called RSSHugger.
What is RSSHugger?

RSSHugger allows a blogger to publish their blog’s feed and increase traffic to their blog. It was started by Collin LaHay, an experienced entrepreneur, search engine optimizer and Internet marketer (according to the about page on RSSHugger). The original goal of RSSHugger was to get 50,000 blogs to sign up with a $10 fee, however, the goal has now been increased to 250,000 blogs within the first year.
Collin has changed the sign up procedure in that a blogger no longer needs to pay a fee to publish their RSS feed on the site. If you write a post about RSSHugger in your blog, you can publish the feed to your blog for free.
Visitors to RSSHugger can search for blogs that interests them and then easily subscribe to that blog’s RSS feed. It seems sort of like a blog directory that you can search and find blogs you may not easily find through a search engine.
I will be trying out RSSHugger to see if it indeed does increase the traffic to my blog. I will post results of this new site in the near future in case anyone is interested.