I mentioned in my last post that I will post reviews of Web sites and blogs for free. This is my first review and I am very familiar with the parent Web site of the blog that I have reviewed. The blog is managed by someone I have conversed with on Website Babble and have witnessed the development of the Web site.
The focus of the Weight Loss Weapons blog is simply the author sharing his experience about losing weight, but without the pills and the programs. Does the blog provide enough information to help you with losing weight that is easy to read and follow? Read the review to find out.

The design of the Weight Loss Weapons blog is very similar to the parent Web site, although the blue colours seem to be a little darker on the blog. This may have been done to set the two apart. In general, the blues that the author chose are nice and are easy on the eyes. This allows you to read the content without being distracted.
The navigational bar is to the right, but the list items are really close together. More spacing between the individual items would make it easier to read each item. As many blogs have, the author has chose to include a MyBlogLog recent readers list. Unfortunately, the placement of the widget is above the Blogroll and Archives lists. The blogroll and archives should be above this widget, with the Archives list appearing just below the Recent Posts.
The blog does include a handy search option, which works nicely. The search, however, is in the upper-right hand corner and can be missed easily. It would be better if it were more prominent, such as beside the top menubar. I was happy with the speed and accuracy of the search and feel that it is a nice feature.
Once aspect of the blog that I like was the nice, large and easy to read font. I have visited many Web sites and blogs where the font is small. I can read small text without any trouble, but others may find it difficult. They don’t have to worry about this blog as the author has chosen a nice size.
In terms of the design of the blog, I found it neat and easy to read and navigate. The author has definitely spent a great deal of time in the design of the blog.
I mentioned in the introduction that the focus of the blog is on weight loss. He has gone into detail on such things as exercising and meal planning. There are many comments on each post where people have also provided good advice, which just adds to the focus of the blog.
Much of the advice that is given on the blog can be followed by anyone who just wants to get healthier, even if they don’t plan on losing weight.
There are a few posts that are a little off topic in the blog. They usually provide updates about the blog itself. While they may be off topic, the author has nicely included them in a separate topic in the navigation on the right. This excludes them from other topics someone may use for weight-loss.
Overall the main focus of the blog is clear and easy to determine by simply reading several posts. The author obviously has had experience with losing weight and it shows within his posts.
I like to use long posts in my blog, mostly because I have a lot to say. For most bloggers, short and concise posts are what they favour. The author of the Weight Loss Weapons blog has chosen to write smaller posts, but they are not short on information.
The posts within the blog are well written and contain a lot of useful information. The author seems to publish several posts a week which is great for those looking for information. It also shows that the author spends the time and effort maintaining the blog, which adds to its quality.
With the exception of a few posts that provide a blog update, the posts pertain to weight loss, which the focus of the Web site and blog. His posts are well written with very few spelling and grammatical errors, which I discuss in the next section.
There were a few problems with some of the pages and links on the site. The About page link in the menu bar links to a standard WordPress template page that isn’t complete. A nice about page would add to the blog. The link to the parent site works correctly in the navigation bar on the right, but brings up a “Page Not Found” page from the link in the footer. If you do want to go to the parent Web site, simply remove the “/blog/” from the URL.
Besides those to issues, the content within the posts are nice and short and easy to read. For those looking to lose weight, you will find a lot of useful advice without the fluff.
Spelling and Grammar 
The author has definitely taken the time to check for spelling and grammar on his blog, as it was difficult to find any mistakes. I did, however, find a few minor issues within some of the posts. There are a few times where the author includes a comment in parenthesis after a paragraph but doesn’t include an ending period. There are other times where words within a sentence are capitalized when they don’t need to be.
Besides those two minor issues, the blog did not have many mistakes, which made it nice to read. The issues described above did not affect the readability of the posts in any way.
As I mentioned, I know the author of the blog from Website Babble, and so I also know the amount of time and effort he has put into it, and it clearly shows. Overall I found the blog nicely organized, and easy to read and understand. With the exception of a few minor design and link issues, the Weight Loss Weapons blog is a great blog that anyone trying to lose weight should check out.