I have reviewed a few money making blogs in the past, and I can honestly say that I am not a fan of that niche. It seems there are more blogs in that niche than in any other niche, and they all contain the same information.
Needless to say, as I read the title for this blog I immediately thought about the money making blogs. When I read the blog I realized there was much more to this blog than just making money, in fact this blog is missing some of the elements that are commonly found in the “make money online” blogs.

Web Site: Internet Business Guide For First Class Progress
Description: This Internet Business Guide For First Class Progress provides you with step-by-step tutorials, marketing strategies, and techniques to shorten your learning curve and boost your online success so you, too, make money online.
The blog has a simple design to it – the content on the left and the navigational links on the right. This keeps the blog clean and makes reading the posts and finding links easy. The background of the blog contains an image, however, the image is simple and doesn’t distract from the content in any way. The background is a nice light colour, and with the dark font provides a nice contrast for easy reading.
The header is nice and simple with the title of the blog, an easy to locate search bar, and two clearly labelled links. The subscription information is located in the top-left, which is one of the first things you will notice.
The content section contains nice large fonts for the title and includes a line separating the posts. The font face and size chosen makes reading the blog very easy for those that have trouble reading smaller text.
The right navigation sidebar that contains the links is well done and very nicely grouped. The links included in the sidebar are minimal but contain the important links such as categories and archives. The only advertising I noticed is under the “Products” section in the sidebar. The lack of advertising is what separates this blog from the ordinary “make money online” blogs, and that makes this blog better.
Secondary, not important, links are located out of the way in the footer. If you choose to use these links the author has provided them below the main content.
Overall I like the simplicity and spacious layout of Internet Business Guide for First Class Progress.
The focus is mainly on helping you increase your online presence for those looking to make money online. As I said before this is much different that those “make money online” blogs. The posts in the blog definitely fit the niche very well, and clearly stay on focus.
A few posts here and there may stray from the focus, but those posts are rare and still provided great information for anyone looking to better their online success.
The content is one of the best parts about the blog. The content is really well written and the author makes it very easy to understand what he is trying to say.
Many of the posts also include an image that is appropriate for the topic of the post. Although many of the images appear on the home page, the author has taken the time to resize the images so they are small in both size and bytes. This will allow those with slower connections load the pages quickly.
On Sundays the author has included inspirational videos. These videos provide you with even more information about succeeding online. The author, however, hasn’t posted the latest video as of this post.
I enjoyed the content provided on this blog and read many of the posts offered.
Spelling and Grammar 
It is rare to find blogs that have almost perfect spelling and grammar, but this blog comes close, very close. It is apparent that the author takes the time to read and check for spelling and grammar errors in each post. This makes the blog much easier to read as you don’t need to reread a sentence twice.
This is a great blog for those that are looking to help succeed online. The posts are well written and provide great information for success. The simplicity of the layout, and the colour chosen definitely are a nice change from those blogs that include many pictures and small fonts.
If you are just starting out online, or have been online for many years, you definitely want to check out Internet Business Guide for First Class Progress.