LuxuryOnly Reveals Redesigned Website to Celebrate Their 10th Anniversary

Personal Business Online - Building the Website

LuxuryOnly, a luxury cruise service provider, celebrates their 10 years with a redesigned website that has user-friendly navigation and a modernized search functionality. With these new features, users were able to find and research the most exclusive and fun cruise offers.

Once a customer plans to book their cruise, LuxuryOnly’s team of travel agents and concierges give firsthand insider advice and knowledge to help guests create the best cruise experience based on their desires.

LuxuryOnly has knowledge about every high-end cruise ship, travel destinations, and sailing. The team helps make vacation seamless by booking and researching the cruise; this helps with assisting users in their pre-registration process; arranging specialty dining, private transfers/cars, and helping with setting up important dates and more.

How Can I Redesign My Website?


First, you need to come up with a plan on the website redesign process. This means you have to find out what features you want to be added, what main colors you want on your page, etc. After finding out important information (i.e. layouts, fonts, and other design elements), allow your team to create a mock-up of the final result and continue from there.

Come Up With a Budget

When thinking about your new page, start by figuring out the website redesign cost. If you’re going for something simple, it can go for at least $500. But if you include advanced features (AI chatbots, mobile apps, etc.), prices can reach up to $5,000.


On the design phase, your team should use multiple Photoshop mock-ups to help create the homepage. After the home page is created, allow your team to create mock-ups of the inner pages of your site. Your team should continue with the visual edits until the pages are finalized.


Without content, your site is nothing but a blank page with no information. To make the best out of this process, you have to split this into two parts:

  1. Sitemap: Your sitemap is the skeleton and structure of your website. It represents the pages that were found on your site and how they’re related. To fix the sitemap, use Google Analytics to monitor the major pages on your site and make sure they’re easily identified in the new sitemap hierarchy.
  2. Website Content: After the sitemap is created, start making folders in Google Drive. This is where you thinking about the content of the page and organizing them into separate Google Docs. This gives you a central repository for your website content and allows you to update it quickly and easily.
  3. Development: After you finish the design and content steps, you can move onto developing the website. Once it’s completed, go through quality assurance of the site to ensure that it works on all devices and screen resolutions.


Always consider the website redesign cost when you’re updating your page. By doing this, you give your team the tools and resources needed to make it look appealing to your audience. Conclusively, keep an eye on your website to ensure that it’s fully polished and meets your design requirements of the project!

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