The Evolution of Chat [Infographic]

The Evolution of Chat

We live in a time of communication. Everywhere we travel we always seem to be connected. The evolution of mobile devices and the networks that transport the data has allowed us to remain in constant communication with others.

The always-connected idea has really become mainstream in less than 10 years, especially from the point of mobile social networking. Before that, people would just carry around a cellphone mainly for phone calls or a few text messages.

The form of communication we know today did not come about simply because we took computers and made them smaller. As with many different technologies, the different forms of communications we use today on our phones, computers or tables has evolved for the past thousands of years.

Below is an infographic that outlines how our communication with others has evolved over the past thousands of years. From simple cave paintings to he last picture you receive, the human race has always found ways to communicate our thoughts, attitude, knowledge, and emotions through a wide range of methods.

The Evolution of Chat

Infographic provided by WhoIsHostingThis?.

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