Essentials for Getting Started in Online Freelance Writing

Notebook and Laptop

Many freelance writers who are starting out think that all they only need is a computer with internet access. However, there is much more that is required. The following are some of the essentials that freelance writers need to keep in mind when starting out.

Essentials for Getting Started in Online Freelance Writing

Internet access

Internet access is very important for the following reasons.

  • Email – Email is essential for sending queries, receiving queries, applying for jobs and sending submissions
  • Research – The internet is a great source of information in almost every subject imaginable
  • Staying current – Freelance writers can stay updated on current events in their industry by reading articles or reports, or visiting forums online
  • Advertise – Websites, blogs or portals can be very effective ways of advertising your services online
  • Supplies – You can order your business or personal supplies over the internet. This will save you money and time, as well as the hassle


A website is an absolute necessity for every freelance writer. Nowadays, websites are very affordable and easy to set up. Having a website is a reflection of how seriously a writer takes his work. Potential clients might get to know about you through your site. You can also use it as a tool to back up your pitches.


Though it seems everything has gone electronic these days, there is still a need for printed documents. Freelance writers will find printers useful mainly for invoices and business correspondence.

Dedicated area

Having a dedicated area for working is proven to allow more creativity and enhance productivity. This could be anything from the corner of living room to the kitchen table. Whatever place you settle for, make sure it is comfortable and free from distractions. As your business grows, you could consider setting up a proper office with professional amenities.

CD/DVD writer

This is vital for backing up all the important documents which are related to your freelance writing business. This includes articles written, software, and your account records. In addition, the CD/DVD writer could come in handy when you want to relax listening to some music.

PC maintenance software

Your PC software, hardware and peripherals need to be well maintained to ensure that they work as efficiently as possible. By using a good firewall product, anti-virus tools, disk cleaners, as well as adware and malware removal products, you won’t have to worry about your computer running safely and smoothly.

Business material

The following are some of the business documents that could come in handy for your freelance writing business.

  • Business card
  • Contract template
  • Rate card
  • Resume
  • Clippings or samples
  • Invoice template

This is a post by Charles, a professional blogger who writes about general tips for freelance writers. Currently, he is blogging at, where he offers a freelance writing course for aspiring web entrepreneurs.

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