Category: Green

As technology progresses, the hardware that is being used is becoming more efficient in energy consumption than previous hardware. Green technology is helping to shape not only the environment but also the products that are purchased.

  • Ways to Recycle Your Gadgets and Gizmos

    Ways to Recycle Your Gadgets and Gizmos

    With all of the new tech gadgets emerging every day, you probably want to get your hands on the latest and greatest products. If you frequently do this, you undoubtedly have many old gadgets and gizmos cluttering up your home.

    While it’s not terrible to keep them on hand for emergency use or to give to a friend or family member to use, the best thing you can do is recycle your gadgets. Old tech gadgets tend to contain components that can be potentially harmful, such as old batteries that can leak. Knowing all the ways you can go about recycling is important, so below are a few tips.


  • Apple’s New Lightning Connector Flouts EU Environmental Agreement

    Apple’s New Lightning Connector Flouts EU Environmental Agreement

    Apple was among the mobile phone manufacturer companies that signed the “Radio and telecommunications terminal equipment (R&TTE) One charger for all memorandum” to reduce electronic waste from mobile phone accessories, particularly chargers, by standardizing them to USB adapters.


  • Must Have Green Travel Gadgets of 2012

    Must Have Green Travel Gadgets of 2012

    Society is becoming more conscious of the environment and how it affects our planet – and thus innovative technology is being produced as a result of this. Constantly in the news we hear about the rising sea levels and how the rain forest is being destroyed by man at a terrifying rate; it has opened up the eyes of people everywhere about the devastation our carbon footprint is really leaving.

    Combining environmental awareness with new technology has given mankind the opportunity to mold some great devices which really make being ‘green’ cool. Here are some of the best green gadgets from 2012 that you can take with you when you’re traveling about the world.


  • Go Green Fast! The World is Turning Red

    Go Green Fast! The World is Turning Red

    I was sitting with my 3 year old today and catching up on some of the old movies. When it was time to wind up and go, I was pleasantly surprised to find him get up even before me to switch off all the lights and turn off the air conditioner even before I did!  It was so heartening to see how kids learn these simple good things simply by watching you. At the same time, I became more aware of the enormous responsibility of setting the right example to bring him up a good human being.


  • Technology For Your Home Energy Management

    Technology For Your Home Energy Management

    Home automation is no longer limited to the wealthiest demographic segments. These days, thanks to heightened competition and the ease of cloud systems, automation is rapidly making its way into a growing number of American houses. What started as a way to remotely monitor a building’s security now has the ability to deliver media, appliance, and energy controls all under one platform. A home owner, with the touch of a button or the use of VoIP solutions such as MegaPath hosted VoIP, can now immediately control all elements of system management.

    Home energy management is the fastest-growing component of home automation, with a market penetration rate that is expected to exceed 60% by 2022. While a home energy management system may still be costly to implement, its utilities savings should more than repay themselves over the span of several years. Are you think of getting such a system for your home? If yes, here are the three main home energy management approaches that you might want to consider, along with the main pros and cons of each.
