Review: Hin’s Tech Corner

As anyone who has read the previous reviews can tell, there are many types of blogs that have been created. Many blogs are photography blogs that display many photographs taken by the author.

In this review, I take a look at such a blog called Hin’s Tech Corner. Like many of the other photography blogs, this blog as plus and minuses that are apparent in many of this blog type.

Hin's Tech Corner

Web Site: Hin’s Tech Corner

Description: Hin’s Tech Corner about digital photography, internet, software, blog, advertising and journey into dSLR with Casio ex-z750, Fuji F30 and Pentax K100D

Design 4 stars

The design of Hin’s Tech Corner is simple. The content is on the left and the navigational sidebar is on the right.

The content consists mainly of photographs, and a few paragraphs of text. The text chosen is an easy to read font and a good size. This is a plus as many blogs like to choose a smaller font size. Many of the words in the content are double-underlined meaning they are advertising links. Some people have a problem with this, but I don’t care either way.

The navigational sidebar contains many advertising links that take precedence over the navigational links. Although I don’t mind a few ads placed before the navigation, however, in this blog you have to scroll down quite a bit to get to the main navigation of the blog.

I found the footer of the blog a little confusing as many of the links in the footer say “Older Posts”.

Focus 5 stars

The focus of Hin’s Tech Corner is mainly on photography, specifically Casio, Fuji and Pentax cameras. The author does great job staying on focus as he provides several posts describing different components of the cameras.

Each post that provides photographs also indicates the camera and settings used to take the photos. This helps keep the blogs focus with each post.

At the top of the blog, in the header, the author has provided a brief blurb on the focus of the blog, so visitors will know what to expect when they visit Hin’s Tech Corner.

OVerall, the blog stays on focus with each post made by the author.

Content 3.5 stars

The content of the blog will make or break it. I do enjoy photography blogs, but unfortunately the one problem that I found when visiting those types of blogs is the size of each page. Hin’s Tech Corner is no different.

When I first visited the page, it didn’t finish loading and my browser froze. This was because the first page contains many very large (100KB and larger) images. Even on high-speed the pages could take some time to load. Some posts also display some of the images in a sort of slideshow way, which can cause the image to pixelate. The images themselves, however, are very nicely done.

The actual content of each posts is really well done. The author definitely has experience with photography and it shows in his post. He occasionaly explains certain elements of photography, such as lenses and the advantages and disadvantages of a particular lens.

With posts that contain images, the author also wrote a few paragraphs that explain where he took the picture. This is a nice addition as it adds to the story of each image.

If the author can reduce the number of images on each page, or reduce the size of each image, it would make visiting the blog more enjoyable.

Spelling and Grammar 4 stars

Although the blog is comprised mainly of photographs, there is still some written content that helps tell the stories. There are a few grammatical errors in some of the written posts, however, it doesn’t take away from the readability

Overall 4 stars

Besides the large images that took a while to download, I did enjoy reading and visiting Hin’s Tech Corner. I enjoy looking at photographs that are well taken, and this blog has that, as well as some well written text to add to the images. There are a few size and design flaws, but overall Hin’s Tech Corner is definitely worth a visit.

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