10 Tips for Keeping Your Blog Posts Lively and Interesting

Effective Blog Posts

The internet is a source of sensory overload for most of us. So how do we make our blog posts stand out in a crowd of online reading options? Here’s we’ll provide 10 tips for doing just that!

Effective Blog Posts

1. Use a conversational tone. Write as though you are talking with your reader in person. Don’t be afraid to use some emotion and to have a sense of humor. Speak with authority about your subject, but don’t sound overly formal. That’s when readers hit the snooze button.

2. Don’t go overboard with the multisyllabic words. To build on the previous point, try not to make your readers have to think too much while reading your post—make it easily digestible with vocabulary that is not over-the-top intellectual. You don’t have long to capture and keep a reader’s attention, so don’t make them work too hard to get what you are trying to convey.

3. Make it clear what you are going to speak to in the first few sentences. What is the post about? It had better be related to the title (for SEO purposes but also to keep your readership!). But more than anything, it had better be clear what you are trying to address pretty quickly in the post or you’ll lose your reader.

4. Cite statistics that support your point. Using data and numbers to supplement all of those words both is helpful in illustrating your point but also makes for a more interesting post. Mix it up a little with some stats.

5. Bullets are helpful. These are quick and easy to read and break up the monotony of paragraphs.

6. Use humorous and complementary imagery. Every blog owner knows that imagery is critical both for SEO and for breaking up large blocks of copy. But not all blog owners use imagery that entertains. Whether the subject is serious or light-hearted, adding levity by using humorous imagery that complements what you are writing about will always win over a reader. If you are writing about safe driving, for example, use a picture of a bicycle or horse and buggy.

7. Add video clips. Sometimes a funny Youtube video can really help to illustrate a point you are trying to make. Like imagery, it can also add needed to levity to a blog post that might be a bit more serious in nature—it never hurts to mix media, either, just to give a bit of variety to your reader.

8. Have a cool title. And back it up with cool content. Make the title memorable and interesting, and a great blog post should follow, as a great blog post always completely supports the title.

9. Add quotes from know authorities on your topic. Just as using statistics is helpful in illustrating a point, using someone else’s voice can make a post that much more compelling and can offer a different perspective on or lend credibility to whatever you are writing about.

10. Be yourself! A reader can tell if a voice is forced and if someone isn’t writing from the heart. Your writing will be far more efficient and interesting if it comes from you, and not a voice you think you need to adopt.

Happy writing, bloggers—if you have a tip to share to help spice up a blog post, let us know! We’d love to hear from you.

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