How to Protect Your Children Online

Parents and Children Online

We live in a connected world where everyone seems to be online. While there are many benefits to going online, those with children, however, need to keep in mind what their children are doing.

There are many threats to children on the Internet. The most common being strangers that are looking to prey on children or take advantage of them. Friends can even become a problem if they have a falling out with your child resulting in bullying. One threat for children online is from them self, especially if they are known to post a lot of information about them self online. The information can be used against them, and many children may not realize this.

How to Protect Your Children Online

With the the different threats available to children online, it is important to understand how best to protect your children when they do go online. You don’t need to be watching them

Educate Your Child

This is probably the most important step. Ensure your child understands what you expect of them when they are online, and talk to them about the problems that they could encounter. You should have them talk to you about any of their online activities, and tell them to come to you if they encounter any problems. Creating an environment that lets the child know that can come to you will go a long way to help keep your child protected while online.

Monitor Social Networks

While many children don’t like their parents spying on them in social networks, it is an important aspect of being a parent. When your child uses social networks, create your own account and have them add you as a friend. This will help you monitor what information they publish on the social network site, and provides your child with a filter knowing that you are watching.

Establish Rules

The best way for your children to follow what you say is to write them down. You should create a document of rules that your children should follow when they go online. The rules can include such things as time they are allowed online, what they are able to do while online, and which games and apps they can use. It is important to ensure you children understand the rules, and the rules should be easily available at all times.

Control Their Mobile Devices

Many children today seem to be using smartphones and other devices on a daily basis. While such devices have their purposes – such as a smartphone in an emergency – it isn’t necessary for children to be using them on a constant basis. With regards to mobile devices, you should set limits to how often they can use those devices, and take away the devices when you don’t want your children to use them. A good example is to take away the devices at night so they aren’t tempted to use them when they are to be asleep.

Their Own Dedicated Computer

If possible, you should setup a dedicated computer just for your children. This computer should be located in an open area, away from any locked doors or small rooms. You should setup a non-administrative user ID For your child, which will make it possible to set parental controls, and makes it easy to monitor the user ID. Also, having a dedicated computer should also protect you, also. If your child infects the computer with malware, it won’t impact anything you do on the computer, such as online banking.

Everyone will have their own ideas on how to best protect their children while online. The list above provides a few examples of what you can do to help protect your children online.

What would you add to the list, and what would you take away? Let me know in the comments.

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