5 Ways to Make Telecommuting Work for You

If your boss asks you to work from home, you may jump at the chance. Before you say yes, you need to stop and consider that telecommuting isn’t for everyone. While the thought of working from home sounds good, some people don’t find it to be all it’s cracked up to be. If you’ve been tasked with doing your job from your home, here are five ways to make telecommuting work for you.


1.Get Up and Get Ready

It’s tempting to stay in your pajamas, grab a cup of coffee and sit in front of the computer when you work at home. Resist the urge to work in your jammies and get up and get ready just as you would if you were going to the office. It’s not to say that you have to wear a suit when you’re working from home, but you’ll be surprised at how the simple act of getting ready for work can put you in the mindset of getting the job done.

2.Set Up a Home Office

You may have a laptop and a comfortable couch, but if you’re going to be working from home full-time, you really need to set up a home office. Whether it’s a dedicated room or a corner of the kitchen, working from a dedicated space will help you be more productive. Make sure that the area that you choose is quiet and free from distractions. Try not to work in front of the television unless you have the uncanny ability to ignore your favorite talk shows while you’re working.

3.Utilize Online File Sharing

Don’t assume that your boss knows about online file sharing sites. If he or she has yet to subscribe to one of these services, do a bit of research and make the suggestion. Online file sharing sites make it easy to access files, collaborate and complete projects in a timely manner. If you need to share files with your boss or co-workers, an online file sharing site makes it incredibly easy and convenient to do.

4.Communicate Often

When you begin telecommuting, decide how often you will be speaking with your boss and how your conversations will take place. For instance, will you meet via Skype on Friday afternoons or will you talk by phone on Monday mornings? You need to keep your boss abreast of your progress and you may need to have questions answered about the task you’ve been given. Knowing when and how to get ahold of each other will make telecommuting easier on you both.

5.Set a Schedule

Instead of plopping down in your office chair at various times during the day set a work schedule and stick to it. Make sure that your schedule is acceptable to your boss and then keep it. You may find it easier to work from home when the kids are in school or after everyone has gone to bed. If you’re a night owl, you may find that you’re more productive in the wee hours of the morning. Setting a schedule will boost your productivity and make sure that you complete all of your assignments in a timely manner.

Telecommuting can be a great way to save money on gas, food and even clothing but it’s not for everyone. Some people find that working at home is simply too distracting and prefer to drive to the office every day. If you follow the five tips above, telecommuting will be as convenient and productive as it can be.

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